My 65G Shallow Reef Tank

Thanks for your detailed response, Bulent.
I try not to miss any of your posts because you are often doing something that piques my interest! ;)
I have been following the coral farm guys' thread in chemistry, I think. It is indeed very interesting.
But don't they have dramatically high nutrients in that system? Like Thales' (Richard Ross) tank? I would consider your system much closer to nsw than to the captive conditions in sustainable reef's system.. maybe I'm off here.. anyways you are not alone in your experiments. JBNY is having fabulous success with his zinc, manganese, iodine regimen.
I am tempted to begin using his recipe but I am going to give my system several more months of recovery before I go there.
Good luck with the experiments! I will be watching.
Bulent the acros are looking very nice. Thanks for the details about the dosing. following the dosing progress.
I just checked and it appears your journal is still working Bulent..............;)

Your namesake :)



You are in danger of waking up my sleepy tank thread from winter hibernation Andrew.

Bulent's bliss in a blue poppy (Meconopsis betonicifolia) field looks much much better than any other coral I have in my tank.


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Update time.

My tank and its inhabitants are doing well. Corals grow like stink (:lol:) and their colours are OK even though they are not up to your high standards.

I sold my long standing Acropota aspera staghorn colony two months ago. A couple came from a 120 mile distance (one way) to pick it up. The coral went to a very good home. In its place, I purchased a ceramic rock tower. I placed a small Acropora hyacinthus frag and my latest wild-collected Acropora desalwii colony on it. There is still some capacity on the rock for three more frags.

Since my last post at the end of last January, I experimented with daily dosing of zinc (0.05 ml) and magnesium (0.02 ml) and reported my findings on my Facebook page. In summary, dosing these elements did not benefit my tank. Zinc in particular was detrimental to one of my corals and coco worm after a prolonged use (on day 45) even though it initially enhanced pinks. However, bi-daily dose of 0.04 ml seems OK.

I began dosing AF Vitality last week. I like to follow Andrew's footsteps. I dosed at the half strength of the recommended dose. I am documenting my findings on my Facebook page. So far, I have not noticed any difference in coral colours. This week I am dosing almost at the recommended dosing rate.

Here are my latest water test results:

KH: 6.4 dKH
Ca: 405 ppm
NO3: 1 ppm
PO4: 0.046-0.092 mg/L

Here is my dosing regimen:


KZ sponge power (2 drops)
Koral color (0.3 ml)
NP-Bacto-Balance (1.7 ml)
A- elements (2.5 ml)

Every other day:

AF vitality (2 drops)
Triton zinc (0.04 ml)

Three times a week:

TM Lugol solution (1 drop)

Finally, here are the latest photos of some of my good old boring corals:

Acropora desalwii by M Bülent Özcan, on Flickr by M Bülent Özcan, on Flickr

Acropora microclados by M Bülent Özcan, on Flickr

Acropora digitifera by M Bülent Özcan, on Flickr

Acropora gomezi by M Bülent Özcan, on Flickr

Acropora carduus by M Bülent Özcan, on Flickr

Acropota microclados by M Bülent Özcan, on Flickr
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An example coral growth- Acropora millepora (so-called sunrise millepora):

25th December 2016


13th January 2017


14th February 2017


15th March 2017


20th April 2017

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A few latest (not so exciting) acquisitions:

Acropora hyacinthus:


Acropora millepora (the one on the right will have yellow tips one day- hopefully):

Finally, subtle colour change on Acropora digitifera. Even though I cannot prove it without doubt, I attributed this change to long term use of Koral color:

Before Koral color dosing:

26th June 2016


20th November 2016


After Coral color dosing began on 27th November 2016

20th April 2017



An example coral growth- Acropora millepora (so-called sunrise millepora):

25th December 2016


13th January 2017


14th February 2017


15th March 2017


20th April 2017


That is great documentation of rock solid growth. That is also a beautiful [and hairy] milli!
That is great documentation of rock solid growth. That is also a beautiful [and hairy] milli!

Thank you. It looks less attractive with hair cut:


Stunner specimen already. The yellow tips will just be icing on the cake.

It will be nice if I manage to get yellow tips when the frag grows.


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Been reading your TOTM thread on the UK forum and this thread here. Beautiful tank.
Was there a reason that you stop growing Chaeto? was it not efficient in reducing nutrient in your tank? or they die after awhile? I see that you have a sandbed and also keep a refugium in the sump as well, how is your Pods population? are there enough Pods to support like a Mandarin? The reason I asked is because I run my tank too clean and BB for SPS corals but lately I want to keep other critters such as coco worms like you have and a mandarin as well. So I will add sand to my tank and add a refugium as well.

Beautiful update, Bulent!
Boring corals? No way.
They look fantastic and I have to say your sermantosa is perfection.
Love the progression on the millie.
It's nice to read you again here on RC rather than FB, it's easier to follow (at least for me).

I'm with Matt, no way your corals are boring, maybe you are bored of your corals because you've had them for a long time.

You are dosing KZ sponge power, with what purpose?
You are also dosing Koral color AND TM Elements. Do they complement each other? Do they share ingredients?
I have seen a note on Facebook this morning. It points to a research paper on zinc supplementation, which is yet to be peer-reviewed. I think we are all aware of potential issues with excessive dosing of trace elements. So, there are no surprises in the paper. Here it is. I hope you find it interesting.
Those top downs look amazing Bulent, the growth shots are especially impressive to me lol.

I think you have way too many nutrients present in the system mate, regardless of whatever nitrate/phos reading your tests show, i think stripping your water cleaner will see all your colors pop more. I would think about stopping any amino related products entirely and increasing the bacteria related dosing to skim out the stuff that looks to be on your rocks.

Just something to think about mate :)

As i said in my journal, i don't think any of the elements being dosed are a problem as long as you don't try to keep their levels way above those that are normally present in our oceans. :wave:
I have seen a note on Facebook this morning. It points to a research paper on zinc supplementation, which is yet to be peer-reviewed. I think we are all aware of potential issues with excessive dosing of trace elements. So, there are no surprises in the paper. Here it is. I hope you find it interesting.

On the other hand, the guy's at FARM, which make a leaving by growing and selling colourful frags, I think they use zinc, MN, cu, CB, etc at a lot higher concentrations!

I really would like to inform us, about their paper on trace elements, but unfortunately, since February, when they supposed to publish their results, they didn't make any new posting...

Bulent by the way, beautiful colours and extraordinary growth rates, well done.
Nice update Bulent, the corals and colors are out of this world! Hopefully that milli will color up as expected.

Thank you Mark. I hope so too.

Been reading your TOTM thread on the UK forum and this thread here. Beautiful tank.
Was there a reason that you stop growing Chaeto? was it not efficient in reducing nutrient in your tank? or they die after awhile? I see that you have a sandbed and also keep a refugium in the sump as well, how is your Pods population? are there enough Pods to support like a Mandarin? The reason I asked is because I run my tank too clean and BB for SPS corals but lately I want to keep other critters such as coco worms like you have and a mandarin as well. So I will add sand to my tank and add a refugium as well.


Thanks for reading my article. I hope it did not make you fall asleep.

When I started Tropic Marin NP-Bacto-Balance more than two years ago, I concluded that algae will not compete with bacteria after receiving advice from Ed (Big E). Algae worked well in my system and grew vigorously. Nitrates always measured zero on Salifert. Phosphates measured zero too (mind due I used Rowa Phos while keeping chaeto). Even though measurable nutrients were really low, my tank suffered chronic cyano problem. I attributed this to nitrate/phosphate imbalance.

Consequently, I decided to have a clean break with my these methods, hence the use of bacto-balance and quitting the use of Rowa Phos and cheat. With the use of Bacto-balance, measurable nitrates and phosphates eventually rose present levels. Coral colours and growth improved very noticeably.

I have quite a lot of pods and other zooplankton in my sump. They seem to enter the the main display more or less the same time every day once lights are off. I can see my anthias are literally hunting them. My tank would not support a mandarin simply because I have a silver belly wrasse. He picks on rocks all the long.

People have different opinions on a sand bed. I subscribe to the view that sand bed creates a more balanced environment than a bare-bottom tank for several reasons. Here are some: sand bed provides a good phosphate sink (which you need to replace regularly with fresh sand); it increases surface area for the colonisation of heterotrophic facultative bacteria; it provides a safe heaven for worms and other critters as well as certain wrasses to sleep in when lights are off.

Beautiful update, Bulent!
Boring corals? No way.
They look fantastic and I have to say your sermantosa is perfection.
Love the progression on the millie.

Thank you Matt. I appreciate your comment on my A. sarmentosa. I tried to cut a small frag for a local reefer, but I could not without damaging its shape because it grows in table formation. The millepora has very light yellow tips like a beige colour. Sadly, my camera could not capture this colour.

It's nice to read you again here on RC rather than FB, it's easier to follow (at least for me).

I'm with Matt, no way your corals are boring, maybe you are bored of your corals because you've had them for a long time.

You are dosing KZ sponge power, with what purpose?
You are also dosing Koral color AND TM Elements. Do they complement each other? Do they share ingredients?

Thanks Sergi. Facebook has its advantages. For example, I can show my coral pictures using my phone to my friends with ease. Equally important, all my experiments are in one place and very easy to share for reference purposes. On the other hand, there is no search function and it is very difficult, if not impossible, to follow the progress of a tank. On reflection, I think I prefer forums.

I dose KZ sponge power to support my coco worm and feather duster worms as well as huge sponge population I have in my sump and to a lesser extend in my display tank. Korellen Zucht does not reveal its contents, but Zeoheads are adamant that it does not contain amino acids. From its description, my educated guess is that it contains silica as well as some form of iodine and may be some strontium. Here are progress pictures of one particular group of sponges in my sump:

18th August 2016


3rd May 2017


I am using Koral Color on an experimental basis to take advantage of its lithium content to suppress bryopsis to find out its long tern impact on coral colouration. Yes, the following elements are intersection set between Koral color and TM elements (i.e. K+ and A-):

Cobalt, Lithium and manganese

They probably complete each other, but cannot be 100% certain. Since A- and K+ elements work for me, trying just Coral color without them is not an option for me at least at this juncture.
Those top downs look amazing Bulent, the growth shots are especially impressive to me lol.

I think you have way too many nutrients present in the system mate, regardless of whatever nitrate/phos reading your tests show, i think stripping your water cleaner will see all your colors pop more. I would think about stopping any amino related products entirely and increasing the bacteria related dosing to skim out the stuff that looks to be on your rocks.

Just something to think about mate :)

As i said in my journal, i don't think any of the elements being dosed are a problem as long as you don't try to keep their levels way above those that are normally present in our oceans. :wave:

Thanks Andrew. I appreciate your constructive feedback. Since you seem to be very impressed with the growth rate of my millepora, I feel that I should share the growth pictures of my fastest growing coral with you to impress you even more (watch this space).

If you had not seen one particular rock on which my A. hyacinthus and A. desalwii live, would you still have been able to think that I have too many nutrients? FWIW that particular rock is Aquaroche, which is a ceramic rock. It was off-white when I put it in my tank at the end of last March. It started to look ugly brown a few weeks later then the two flat sections started to look green a few weeks ago. The entire rock is now being covered with coralline algae. All my other rocks are covered with coralline as well as ugly looking brown polyps, but never micro algae of any sort, including bryopsis and green hair algae, including the Aquaroche ceramic rock.

On reflection, I think you are right about my nutrient levels as some of my corals looked a little better in the past, but some also looked worse. I will see what I can do with nitrates and phosphates without using GFO. I do not use any product that contains amino acids. The only thing I use that contains amino acids is dry seaweed. All my fish including anthias enjoy it.

As for AF Vitality, I have increased half dose to full dose recently as half strength dosing has not make any difference to the appearance of my corals. I will conclude my experiment next week and will decide whether to keep using this product or advertise it for others to experiment with it.

On the other hand, the guy's at FARM, which make a leaving by growing and selling colourful frags, I think they use zinc, MN, cu, CB, etc at a lot higher concentrations!

I really would like to inform us, about their paper on trace elements, but unfortunately, since February, when they supposed to publish their results, they didn't make any new posting...

Bulent by the way, beautiful colours and extraordinary growth rates, well done.

Hi mate. I am subscribed to that thread too and am eagerly awaiting peer-reviewed version of their academic paper. Peer-review process can sometimes take a few months to complete if the number of referees is large. This depends on which academic journal/magazine you submit your paper to for publication.

Thanks for your kind words.
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