My 90 gallon odyssey .... (pics)


New member
Hi people,

I am in the process of starting a 90 gallon mixed reef aquarium and I thought that this would be a good place to post my progress and get input from you all.

Basically my monetary situation is dictating my progress at this point but I would like a place to dump my thoughts and post pics as I progress.

So far I have purchased my tank, had it drilled and also built my stand. I have an Aqua C EV180 on order that I am pretty excited to get. I also have a 46" 2 bulb t5 system on order. I plan to use these bulbs as actinic supplements to a dual 250 watt MH system.

Here is a couple of the tank and stand so far:


I am super stoked to get going and I am hoping for a nice fat tax return to boost my progress.

Let me know what you think.

well ...

The skimmer will be an AquaC EV180 as mentioned above.

I think the MH ballasts I will use are Sun Aquatics 250 watt electronic ballasts. link :

46" actinic T5 retrofit

The return pump is a mag 18 and the skimmer will be driven by a 7 or 9 (haven't decided yet)

The sump is a 57 gallon custom dealie (in the process of being built)

2 Jager 150 heaters.

Custom RO/DI as well. From a local dealer

Thats about all I have lined up so far.

I just can't wait to get water in there and start cycling!! I also have to get an electrician out to hook up an independant circit for the tank.

I was origionally going to go with a 33 gallon tank I have for the sump but decided that I wanted a WAY bigger space for the fuge so I have to wait longer for my custom sump to get done.

Basically it's all slow going.

I have no idea how I am going to mount my lights ... that is somthing I am battling with ... I'll just have to figure it out when I have them I guess.

It's costing way more than I thought it would when I started but that goes with the territory I guess. I didn't account for RO/DI and independant electrical ect.

The last few months have basically just been reading and researching. I am currently reading "the reef aquarium vol 1. Sprung and Delbeek" It's really good and I am learning a lot.

Thanks for asking!

I hope I didn't drone on too long!
I guess I'll buy Indo rock from my LFS but it's REALLY expensive. It will probably cost me about $1600 for 160 lbs!!!!!

I may just put 40 or 80 LBS of reef bones in there and the rest live because that is a TON of money for LR.

Do I have to add corals and fish in a certain order or can I add a fish here and a coral there type of deal, because that would be better.
scrmbld33 - your tank is exactly what mine is going to be (whenever it gets done!).

Do you have any pics you could post?

What do you keep?