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Thanks.<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15709076#post15709076 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rtparty
I see a huge difference in the algae color! I think with as bad as your case was/is you will have to dose for a couple months.
Do you have any herbivorous fish that will eat the algae? Also I know this in the thread somewhere but how many snails and crabs do you have? May be worth getting like 15 more of each to let them munch on the algae. I have noticed when HA gets shorter strands the crabs and Mexican Turbo snails love the stuff!
That is my 2 cents.
Great thread and tank BTW!
I have some algae eating livestock in the tank, I think I listed it all a few pages back. Anyway, I actually ended up out at the LFS this morning, and picked up a few Emerald Crabs and a small Longspine Urchin. They did have some Mexican Turbo Snails in as well, but I really didn't like the look of them.
Thanks.<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15709166#post15709166 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mordibv
Glad to see the the tanks looks better . The bottle brush and green acro show great improvements .
I am wondering if cleaning the sump up did more than the dosing. I am still scratching my head on the algae issue .
That skimmer looks like it should be more than enough for the bioload .U would think it would strip that tank clean .carbon and gfo too. It looks like u run it a lil wet imho .
I have tried bac driven systems Prodibio ,Brightwell and gave up on them . I hated the black stuff on the rocks and walls . My next build will go to the supplements below with Reef BIO Activ (sorta bac type ) and BIO calcium . I will wait after I have fully encrusted rock and a back wall full of coralline algae (sorry i like the stuff ) .The bac products seem to inhibit micro and macro algae imho .
I have given my Bright well bac stuff MB7 & bio fuel to a buddy but kept the amino's ,reef snow , lugols , pottassion , replenish , marine c and restore .
Any who I'll watch ur tank blossom again .
Thanks for sharing this with us .
No worries. I like coraline algae too... just not on my walls. :lol:

The green bottlebrush acro was severely infested with redbugs at one point, and the last treatment was dosed about a week before I began the MB7. So those results may not be able to be directly related to any dosing.
Hey Ed,<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15709226#post15709226 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Big E
The Paletta Pink looks horribly bleached..........can't believe that came off my colony. I don't like the look of the Red Planet either.
Instead of upping the vodka dosing, how bout going slower? The corals will handle it better. It's nice that some of the algae seems to be subsiding but some of the corals are already starving, which I believe is your current concern.
The reason the polyps are out on some acros during the day(that never were before) is because they are starving. Night polyp extension isn't enough for them like before. They are extended 24/7 to get more light/food.
Maybe you can spot feed some of the corals that are hurting?
This isn't a new development on the Paletta Pink Tip. If you recall, I picked up the piece in April (just began dosing 4 weeks ago), and honestly it's looked pretty much the same since a few weeks after that, and hasn't really grown at all. The pictures I am posting are of the corals that have looked bad for some time now (before dosing), and does not reflect to health of all the corals in the tank.
However, I think I am going to begin dosing aminos this week, and I like the idea of attempting to spot feed some of the struggling SPS.
I am ramping the vodka dosage slower now that I'm at 2.8 ml per day (as I feel that should be somewhat close to my maintenance dose), and plan on extending it out longer than the chart.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15709391#post15709391 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gavinbree
It's worth mentioning that hair algae can leech nutrients directly from the rock, increasing vodka dosing will have very little effect, its just a matter of waiting it out until the hair algae has gone through its cycle and used up the stored nutrients in the rock.
Once you have hit ULN readings (refering to your chart from 09/05) you should be looking for the maintenance dosage not continue increasing.
I can appreciate that the algae is unsightly and you want rid of it of course, but its going to take time, hair algae is a strange thing in that one day it will be growing like mad and then a few days later it will almost vanish.
Yep, I think I've mentioned it a few times, but especially with how fast the algae came on. I believe it's just an algae cycle from new rock that was added to the system. So hopefully it will disappear as quickly as it arrived.<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15710017#post15710017 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Zedar
You have nutrients stored in the rock. This will take months to remove.
Your water column is low in nutrients (hence the lighting of the acros) but the algae are still getting nutrients from the rock.
I removed my rock and cleaned it with a garden hose. The amount of gunk that i removed was astonishing.
A maintenance dose is going to be difficult to find since I have no detectable nutrient levels. So as I mentioned earlier, I plan on extending out the current dosages a bit longer than the chart, and will make a decision to increase or not based on my observations.
Not looking for a quick fix here guys. Just simply charting my observations and progress.