My Bacteria Driven Journey

For those of you with hair algae problems, what type of lights are you using. I currently have been lucky and not have these issue. My lighting is s 2x 250W 14K giesemanns with 4 x 54W actinic plus giesemann bulbs. I have just ordered other bulbs to experiment with some of which may promote algae growth. Ill let you know if i start to have this issue. if so i will know that the BLUE spectrum helps keep things in line
I've been using MB7 for several weeks. I strated with the high nutrient doses and now I'm using 4 drops/day. I also add 1 drop/day of Kents Lugols. I am not dosing Vodka at all. Should I start with vodka at this point?

Bump for my question. :wave:
I think you said you had some cyano? Is that gone? If so I dont see why you couldn't start dosing the vodka.
I think you said you had some cyano? Is that gone? If so I dont see why you couldn't start dosing the vodka.

Well that's the thing..I'm not so sure it's cyano. On some of my LR, I have this deep red color rather than the usual purple. It does not siphon off and I can't even scrape it off. Cyano I've dealt with in previous tanks usually comes up pretty easily when siphoning. Also some of my LR has this white-ish "peach fuzz" growth. Not sure what that is. I'll try to post a Full Tank Shot. How do you post an image these days without the Gallery?
There's a photo album option in your "My RC" on the left column. You can upload pics to that or use photobucket. Yeah, doesnt sound like cyano. Is there alot of the "peach fuzz?" I have a little bit of this pop up on a frag plug sometimes but it hasn't come back on the rocks like it was.
There's a photo album option in your "My RC" on the left column. You can upload pics to that or use photobucket. Yeah, doesnt sound like cyano. Is there alot of the "peach fuzz?" I have a little bit of this pop up on a frag plug sometimes but it hasn't come back on the rocks like it was.

Yeah, I know, it doesn't look like cyano. There was a decent amount of the "peach fuzz" on some LR and on the overflows, but I think it's easing up.

Here's a tank shot. Not the greatest, but maybe you see the deep red I'm talking about on the rocks between the Yellow Tang and the Hippo Tang.

Hard to see, but if it doesn't come off easily its not likely cyano. Maybe just a different shade of coraline. I would just start dosing slowly and see what happens.
I'm going to try and take one more better photo after the lights come. If it seems like it's not cyano, them maybe I'll start vodka at half the dose.
Yeah, I know, it doesn't look like cyano. There was a decent amount of the "peach fuzz" on some LR and on the overflows, but I think it's easing up.

Here's a tank shot. Not the greatest, but maybe you see the deep red I'm talking about on the rocks between the Yellow Tang and the Hippo Tang.


That is the "cotton candy" looking algae that appears when dosing Vodka. I would stop the vodka dosing for a week and start it back up once the algae has gone away.
SunnyX said:
That is the "cotton candy" looking algae that appears when dosing Vodka. I would stop the vodka dosing for a week and start it back up once the algae has gone away.

Glad you chimed in Sonny. He hasn't started vodka yet, so I didn't think he would have that?
This thread has been nominated for Thread of the Month
I've been out of town a lot lately, but wanted to respond and say... Wow, it's great to be nominated. However, I've only been at this for a few months now. The real credit belongs to SunnyX, Genetics, Stony_Corals and those who have been running these types of systems for long periods of time, and whose blueprint I was fortunate enough to work off of. Also, as others mentioned, it's great to see these types of systems gaining popularity, and beginning to steal some of the spotlight.

Thanks again RC, and here's looking forward to many more success stories. :beer:
May be you should add a small tang. should keep your rock nice and clean

Very beautiful coral you have in there.
Got my Vote man, Just read the entire thing. Great work Our tanks are really similar. stock and everything. I have been using mb7 and started vodka but stopped as I wasnt consistant with it. Changing out my lights and am going to restart dosing vodka. Been dosing 4 drops of mb7 everyday for last 4 months.
Congrats on the vote, I started the mb7 vodka approach coming off of Neo Zeo, right around the time you started the thread. Thank You for your journal of events, dosing, testing, charting, really outlining each and every move. This thread is a great outline to success with the dosing, I agree, MAD PROPS to Sunnyx and Genetics as well. My tank, using this system, is the most colorful it has ever been!
May be you should add a small tang. should keep your rock nice and clean

Very beautiful coral you have in there.
Thanks. I have a small Eibli Mimic Tank (Acanthurus tristis) in the tank currently. He seems to pick at the maroon turf algae here and there, but was far more aggressive towards the green hair algae. My Longspine Urchin and Mexican Turbo Snails seem to be the most aggressive towards it.
Got my Vote man, Just read the entire thing. Great work Our tanks are really similar. stock and everything. I have been using mb7 and started vodka but stopped as I wasnt consistant with it. Changing out my lights and am going to restart dosing vodka. Been dosing 4 drops of mb7 everyday for last 4 months.
Thanks for the vote. Glad to hear we have similar taste as well. Good luck on your bacteria driven journey!
Congrats on the vote, I started the mb7 vodka approach coming off of Neo Zeo, right around the time you started the thread. Thank You for your journal of events, dosing, testing, charting, really outlining each and every move. This thread is a great outline to success with the dosing, I agree, MAD PROPS to Sunnyx and Genetics as well. My tank, using this system, is the most colorful it has ever been!
Thanks for the kind words, and that's great to hear you are seeing positive results.
newsalt: I'm not seeing the newest pics...

Voted for this thread too, its nice to see the progression and recovery of Tswifty's tank. Fully documented with pics too:thumbsup:

Edit: Weird right after posting I see the pics....