might as well put my two cents in since your situation has some simularities with mine:
I've had several reef aquariums before this (most with inferior equipment, higher bioloads ect) and NEVER had major algae problems. I've had a few bubble algae show up here and there but always isolated and easily removed, a few spots BEHIND the aquascape where hair algae liked to take hold but no one ever saw and I'd manually remove.
current tank: first I had bryopsis. never had plaque levels but then for the first 6 months I had it didn't even know what it was other than everytime I'd pick the strands out with tweezers it come back even though all the other common algaes worked themselves out and disappeared and weekly tweezer pruning was a regular routine. I was already doing weekly 10g water changes and never had more than 3 small fish fed little every other day (30g/10g sump) so I know I didn't have overly abundant nutrients. I'm sure this hitch hiked on the live rock I set the tank up with. after finally identifying it and feeling lucky I havent had the bushes of it everybody else who had it seemed to have I did the kent tech M and sure enough wiped it right out. thought I was DONE with major algae problems. eventually came but even less so then before so no more mg dosing to manage it (still annoyed me). and what inspired me to post:
red turf algae! after getting rid of bryopsis I thought nothing could be worse and though I noticed just a little isolated area of red turf algae I figured I worse come to worse I'd just knock it out with ULNS: WRONG! at first I'd use tweezers and knife to scrape it off the rocks and while I could never get it all the tank looked alot better (and I probably did more to help it spread then anything else). after the manual removal became old I woke up one day and realized this crap grows anywhere there is open rock (corals seem to have no problems burning it back to encrust).
to make a long story not as long but still long I did the GFO in a reactor (still do and have throughout though some shun at GFO use with carbon dosing), MB7 alone, then the MB7 & biofuel until I went thru a full bottle of biofuel, then MB7 and vodka (much more effective and potent IMO). All other algae except VERY minimal stubborn strands of bryopsis in isolated areas remained, red turf algae NOT PHASED at all! zero detectable phosphates or nitrates to speak of for a long time. my only goal in aquarium life became getting rid of the red turf algae. so finally with nothing to lose I went ahead and tried marine algaefix. along with the current GFO, vodka and MB7 algaefix cleared ALL signs of every algae EXCEPT red turf algae. FINALLY after a month of algaefix as directed (every 3 days) and four mexican turbos (2 since moved to the biocube deemed unneccessary) I'm making a dent in the turf algae. One section of rock is COMPLETELY cleared to the bone! Other areas that were "fuzzy" with turf are now very short with rock showing! ITs WORKING thank God! I still do the carbon dosing with it. no effect on any sps/corals or fish at all.
I dont have any updated pics but areas like this next to the pink stylo that were "fuzzy" with turf are now showing rock and no fuzz!. I will need to post picks of the large area that completely stipped of of this!
all to say if all else fails with red turf dont be afraid to add marine algaefix to the carbon dosing regimen but it doesn't work fast at all on turf algae. slowly but surely though it does. i'll probably be using it for months to come along with the vodka/MB7 AND HC GFO. I've been doing the amino acids (first brightwell then warner) and coral accel for a good while as well never with any negative affects so I feel they've been warranted.