My clam get smaller and smaller

ok, i'll try the rinsing method. seems more complete than the tweezer method.
i'll try to get a 6-line. hopefully i can find a big one. all the ones i have seen lately are about 1.5" long. i'm worried it'll be food for my hawk (3.5") since the hawk already makes mad dashes and quick nips to the pseudochromis. geez, 1 would think they'd be ok in a 90.
How many reefers fresh water rinse their clams before placing in display tank? Should I be doing this with every new arrival?

Every clam I import into the USA I check for these snails. 24 hours after settling in the tanks all go thru their first inspection. Then every day for the next week this happens. After this I check all my clams once aweek. After afew weeks they are ready to be shipped or to go into my show tanks!!!! As with Toptank I like having sixline wrasses in all my tanks.
I have also found out lately that the (rice) snails actually seem to like turbo snails better! So even if you check your clams check your big snails also.
yes, i have definitely seen the little snails on my turbos and astreas. i have noticed 4 turbos dying sort of 1 by 1 over the last month or so. recently i have had a few astreas dying, too (maybe 5 in the last week). i usually just find the empty shell.

haven't gotten a 6-line yet - haven't found any i want to buy yet.
i got a 3" long 8-line on monday, and boy, did he get his @$$ kicked by the spotted hawk. nipped up 1/2 the 8-line's tail. then the strawberry dottyback started bullying the wrasse, posturing and nipping the tail (what's left of it).

today, i tore apart my tank to get those 2 bullies out. first i netted the 8-line and put him in the sump. then i drained 2/3 the tank, pulled 2/3 the rock, most corals, and netted them out.

i put them in a 20g, and put everything back in the 90. i've got my fingers crossed. we'll see tomorrow.