My coral catshark won't eat


Hi I've bought an adult coral catshark last week but she didn't eat from then.
I've tried to feed silversides, squid and shrims but she doesn"t want to eat.
Now she is in a quarantine tank and I tried to feed her in the night when she should be more active.
I need your help because I don't know what I can do.
Any input will be appreciate
Was it eating at the LFS? If so see what they were feeding it. Those are the right foods to try. Any chance of giving it live shrimp to help get it started?
Lorenzo, If your quarantine is small, I would move her to the display if that is much larger and a peaceful environment. If she is not emaciated or skinny, then she may be just fine. Most sharks don’t need to eat every day. In the confines of an aquarium, maybe twice a week is enough. Try to reduce stress on the catshark and she will eat eventually. Cat sharks need smooth substrate and places to hide.
If the catshark still isn't eating you may want to look into force feeding. I would assume that if it wasn't eating at the LFS that the shark hasn't eaten at all since it was collected and the longer this goes on the less likely it will ever eat.
Thanks for your replies. As Dmorty217 said the shark hasn't probably eaten at all since it was collected so I begun to tube-feeding it until it will eat on your own.