Congrats on the new body, I'm sure you'll love it! As far as the straps go, especially if you have any heavier lenses you really should check out the Optech Pro, Crumpler Industry Disgrace or Black Rapid straps, you'll never go back.
Cool, I'll check into it.
Is the 30D fro your daughter
I'm not sure which 30D you're refering to, to be honest. I have a 50D and now the 5D mkII, I'll be selling the 50D here in a little while.
Nice pickup Grant! I have a desire for a full frame back but had to draw the line at the 50D for budget reasons. Feel free to taunt us (me!) with your delicious images.
When I saw your first pic, I thought "what happened to the camera that is usually attached to that strap?", as though there were some sort of sad and expensive story about making sure one's straps are firmly attached...
I hadnt even thought about the straps without anything attached to it giving off a instant "bad vibe" about what happened

I guess I was in a different mindset at them time, heh.
I chose a 50D two years ago due to budget reasons, and probably shouldnt have dumped out the cashola for this, but I'm amazed how well the pictures come out on this camera. It is so worth it. An amazing camera. I'm glad I learned on the 50D but wow, even after just a weekend of owning the 5D I would hate to go back to the 50D.
Those pictures of my daughter posted above are taken at 6400 ISO. SIXTY FOUR HUNDRED ISO! And they are clear and sharp. It's nuts.
The other cool thing I found out this weekend is how well noise reduction software works with the 5D compared to how it works with the 50D. My 50D the noise wasnt very even, there were spots across the image (banding I think they call it) where the noise was greater than other spots. Anyway, long story short my Noiseware Professional, a plugin I use with CS4, did a good job of reducing noise but I could always tell that I was losing sharpness or clarity when I did it. With the 5D, I can run Noiseware and if there is ANY loss of sharpness at all, it is very very very minimal. So that means I can shoot at 6400 ISO AND then also run Noiseware, so my 6400 ISO images come out looking like what an ISO 200 image looked like on my 50D. I'm blown away by that.
The first picture of the dragon wrasse I posted in this thread I used noiseware on, the 2nd one I didnt. You can clearly see the noise in the 2nd one, in the first it's gone. To me, there is no loss of detail in the 1st when compared to the 2nd, in fact, with there not being noise around the picture looks even cleaner/sharper to me.
Anyway, I'm just really impressed with the 5D. My primary use of it is photography indoors and then in the summers I'll do some outside stuff so I'll see how crappy the autofocus system is then