My first livestock order


New member
I just wanted to say thank you MD for some great livestock, they just arrived today and everything was alive and kickin' on arrival.

20 - Cerith Snails
10 - Nassarius Snails
10 - Nerite Snails
02 - Queen Conch
15 - Mexican Turbo Snails
01 - Sand Sifting Starfish
01 - Serpent Sea Star
15 - Blue Leg Hermit Crab
20 - Mexican Red Leg Hermits
01 - Cleaner Shrimp

Everything is doing well after a 2 1/2 hour drip acclimation except the serpent star is worrying me, he was fine when I put him in but when I got home from work he wasnt moving and a couple of his legs are up in the air like they are trying to float. Do you think he is ok?
Once again, thanks alot guys.
Nevermind he is moving around pretty good today but I think he is actually a brittle star instead of a serpent star. Thanks again MD.
I've had 3 serpent stars for over a year now. That's pretty much what they do. They sit very still for long periods with the tips of their legs pointed up. It may just be that they're trying to sense the water for food? I don't know. But as soon as you throw any kind of food in there, or put some by them, they'll come flying out.

They are sensitive to light and can die if they don't have cover to get under during the day. That's why you won't see much of them with the lights on. They can be more active at night and look very cool under moon lights. HTH
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Thank you for the input. My experiance has been pretty much the same as yours. Add a little food to the water and there arms pop up from holes in the rock. Other wise you do not even realize they are there.

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