My friends and I are planning a trip to cancun , HOW ?


New member
we are all 21 , and NOT that big of partyers
we do plan to party some when we got , but anywho

We are wanting to know if its best to find a deal through the internet or go to our travel agent her ein town

I mean , I would like to know plan ticket costs there and back, hotel rooms the whole thing so we can start saving , I already have 500 saved for the purpose of going there.

Hopefully we can all 3 go for under 1000 a person , though im not sure if well be able to do that , Hotel rooms, tickets, gas, ect.

how do you get around once you get there , since we are in arkansas , unied states,

do you just take a taxi everywhere ?
This is a scuba forum. You may want to talk to a local travel agent, they will have all the answers to those questions.