My Glassboxreef

I wish I lived closer to you Brandon. I would love to buy some of your frags

I will be following your journey. May Reef Gods bless your tank.
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I wish I lived closer to you Brandon. I would love to buy some of your frags

I will be following your journey. May Reef Gods bless your tank.
I don't know exactly where you actually live. When I was in Europe a couple years ago it was difficult for me to find fish stores.

Thanks for following along. I'm looking forward to using reef actif because of you. I hope it can help me match your coral's looks. I've stared at your scape for a long time. It's helped me decide where to place different corals.

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Right now I'm having a bit of an issue with my DT being a bit cloudy. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of increasing the turnover from the sump.

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Right now I'm having a bit of an issue with my DT being a bit cloudy. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of increasing the turnover from the sump.

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This is likely to be bacterial bloom. I would increase water flow as you suggested and perhaps point your pumps (if you have such pumps) towards the water surface to increase gaseous exchange. Furthermore, using activated carbon will help remove bacteria as they will be attracted to carbon surfaces. Finally, skim wet. Once the nitrogen cycle stabilises water should clear.
Could be nothing.. why do anything? Give it a bit..
That's true. All I ended up doing was pointing a sea swirl at the surface for more agitation.

You also dose bio digest right? When you started did you notice a up swing in skimmate production?

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That's true. All I ended up doing was pointing a sea swirl at the surface for more agitation.

You also dose bio digest right? When you started did you notice a up swing in skimmate production?

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I figured since your new tank was connected to an established system, a mini cycle wasn't a huge possibility...
I used biodigest when I began prodibio. I used Bioptim and biodigest but I didn't really see a significant change in skimmate. When I ran out, I stopped the biodigest but continued with Bioptim and added reef booster.
I just use AF pro bio S because I have it on hand.
So I've added 6 more frags and 4 more fish. Pictures forth coming when the tank clears up from glass scraping.

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Updated pictures. I need to figure out how to label the pictures with what they are. Any pointers are appreciated. FYI in using Tapatalk.

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Looking good Brandon, i like your little cardinals mate :)

I want to get heaps more small fish like those and the small chromis which give the reef a busy look. What is that yellow tail spotty topped wrasse looking fish mate, that looks cool. :thumbsup:
Looking good Brandon, i like your little cardinals mate :)

I want to get heaps more small fish like those and the small chromis which give the reef a busy look. What is that yellow tail spotty topped wrasse looking fish mate, that looks cool. [emoji106]
That was a Lubbock wrasse. It had an especially nice coloration. Did you catch the past tense? I found it on the floor dead when I got home yesterday. I found a flaw in the canopy in that it has an opening along the edges of the tank. I'm fitting some plastic tonight so that it doesn't happen again.

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have you started dosing the reef activ? If so, how much are you dosing?

Also are you dosing anything else currently?
Yes. I had planned to start with a spoonful 3 times a week. That is under half the recommended dose for my system. I'll make the call tonight if I'm going to continue down that path. There is a thread with some of us users documenting it.

I am still carbon dosing with vinegar.( trying to drive nitrates lower.) I also dose 2 drops of aquaforest vitamins a day and 2 drops of their fish vitamins soaked into the food every other day. That's it besides the calcium reactor.

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