my house reef (211 g.)

I am using a canon powershot s60. That pic was taken on AV mode and macro mode. No flash was used. I tried TV mode too and it makes it look like it is under a moon light.
my garf is nothing but bleached out cream colored. only the tips purpled up. i have the same trouble with my efflos... all light colored. they grow but dont color up
Bonsai Pic

Bonsai Pic

Here is a pic of our Bonsai. Its under 10,000 K MH and VHO lighting.

It could be that your lighting is not intense enough for the coral to keep its color. We took a frag of this and put it under T5 only and only the tips are purple as you describe. I haven't tried to put the frag into a different MH display but I think I will do that today and see what happens. Typically T5 is great on SPS so I'm kind of surprised that this has occurred. It may be that something else is the issue...too many variables but it makes the hobby more interesting.
How should i be cooling these bulbs? I have a fan pulling air out of the canopy.
How are the Triad ballast that come with the tek hoods(ATI arent avai. in us yet) and i was told tek make good reflectors. Are the ballastwise any good.
Last i was thinking of doing a ATI bubblemaster how are they and do they have build problems?

Thanks again for your help
Hi Steve

The latest european T5 units have 12v computer fans built into the ballasts which inturn are integrated into the light holding unit.

The best outcome from whatever arrangement seems to be to keep the bulbs at a temperature that we can comfortably hold - so sucking the air out of the canopy may do this?

Sorry I dont know about Tek units - we are so close to the german market - we use thier stuff, and we have a common elec specification.

Re the ATI skimmers - again no personal experience with those. I have used Tunze Deltec and Bubble king and the best out of these is BK but only by the smallest of margins. Deltec over here is cheap compared with the US, and plenty come up on ebay if you want to do a personal import and then use a voltage converter.

Another skimmer that is getting good reviews over here is the new Fauna Marin skimmer, and committed deltec resellers are reporting impressive results from the FM.


Most of the ballasts are OSRAMs (fauna-marin, Aquaconnect, etc), but they are only in 220v, so the best we can do in the US is the Sylvania Quicktronic counterpart, which can be used 110v-277v... NICE. Otherwise, some of the ATI units are using a similar ballast by Vossloh-Schwabe, which can also be used 110v-277v. FWIW, the V-S ballasts look dead identical to the Sylvanias on the outside, and their specs are the same as well. When you look at the details, V-S is part of AROMAT, which is technically part of Panasonic/Matsu****a, so I wouldnt be shocked if the VS and the Sylvanias were identical ballasts.