In Memoriam
After finding the right combo of bulbs, making a spreadsheet
to plot the curves, and armed with the par values of my bulbs
I came up with a schedule where I get a natural ramp up/down
curve plus an extended midday period of full intensity.
The ramp up and down look very natural and the transition from
Actinic only to White and Actinic (and vise versa) is seamless.
The only tell tale sign I have is when my second cooling
fan comes on with the whites, visually it is seamless.
For bulbs I’m running:
3 Giesemann Middays (par of 325 each)
1 Giesemann Pure Actinic (par o4 157
2 Giesemann Actinic+ (par of 264 each)
I have the bulbs running on Three Dimmable
Ballast but only using two Lighting channels.
In this configuration Ch 1 is about one third the Par of Ch 2
Channel 1 (One Pure Actinic and One Actinic+, Total par = 421)
0 â€"œ 10% 6:53am â€"œ 8am
10 â€"œ 80% 8:00am â€"œ 9am
90 â€"œ 100% 9am -10am
100 â€"œ 90% 8pm - 9pm
90 â€"œ 10% 9pm -10pm
10 â€"œ 0% 10pm â€"œ 11:06pm
(The lighting curves are extended on both ends so
the bulbs will actually light at 7 am and go off at 11pm.)
Channel 2 (Three Midday Bulbs and One Actinic+, Total Par = 1239)
0 â€"œ 60% 8:59am â€"œ 10am
60 â€"œ 90% 10am â€"œ 11am
90 â€"œ 100% 11am -12pm
100 â€"œ 90% 6pm - 7pm
90 â€"œ 60% 7pm -8pm
10 â€"œ 0% 8pm â€"œ 9:01pm
(The lighting curves are extended on both ends so
the bulbs will actually light at 9 am and go off at 9pm.)
Moonlights via Simu-L and running in moon phase simulation mode.
0-25% 10:55pm-11:00pm
25%-0 7:00am -7:05am
I only run the moonlights up to 25% as any more and it is a
bit too bright this also keeps it more in the blue only range.
I am currently not running and red from the Simu-L sticks since
the Giesemann Pure Actinic is fairly violet and when I added
in the red of the Simu-L it made it too red for my taste.
Here is a plot of my lighting curve.
The line labled "Par" is actually the percentage of the total Par.
The total par curve is what I wanted to make the most natural.
Hopefully this will help someone else set up there curves.
to plot the curves, and armed with the par values of my bulbs
I came up with a schedule where I get a natural ramp up/down
curve plus an extended midday period of full intensity.
The ramp up and down look very natural and the transition from
Actinic only to White and Actinic (and vise versa) is seamless.
The only tell tale sign I have is when my second cooling
fan comes on with the whites, visually it is seamless.
For bulbs I’m running:
3 Giesemann Middays (par of 325 each)
1 Giesemann Pure Actinic (par o4 157
2 Giesemann Actinic+ (par of 264 each)
I have the bulbs running on Three Dimmable
Ballast but only using two Lighting channels.
In this configuration Ch 1 is about one third the Par of Ch 2
Channel 1 (One Pure Actinic and One Actinic+, Total par = 421)
0 â€"œ 10% 6:53am â€"œ 8am
10 â€"œ 80% 8:00am â€"œ 9am
90 â€"œ 100% 9am -10am
100 â€"œ 90% 8pm - 9pm
90 â€"œ 10% 9pm -10pm
10 â€"œ 0% 10pm â€"œ 11:06pm
(The lighting curves are extended on both ends so
the bulbs will actually light at 7 am and go off at 11pm.)
Channel 2 (Three Midday Bulbs and One Actinic+, Total Par = 1239)
0 â€"œ 60% 8:59am â€"œ 10am
60 â€"œ 90% 10am â€"œ 11am
90 â€"œ 100% 11am -12pm
100 â€"œ 90% 6pm - 7pm
90 â€"œ 60% 7pm -8pm
10 â€"œ 0% 8pm â€"œ 9:01pm
(The lighting curves are extended on both ends so
the bulbs will actually light at 9 am and go off at 9pm.)
Moonlights via Simu-L and running in moon phase simulation mode.
0-25% 10:55pm-11:00pm
25%-0 7:00am -7:05am
I only run the moonlights up to 25% as any more and it is a
bit too bright this also keeps it more in the blue only range.
I am currently not running and red from the Simu-L sticks since
the Giesemann Pure Actinic is fairly violet and when I added
in the red of the Simu-L it made it too red for my taste.
Here is a plot of my lighting curve.
The line labled "Par" is actually the percentage of the total Par.
The total par curve is what I wanted to make the most natural.

Hopefully this will help someone else set up there curves.
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