My LFS's display tank - defies rules of reefkeeping

probably easier and much quicker to run the video on your monitor and take a Print Screen shot and paste it the Paint program and save as .jpg. Uploading vids on youtube takes a lot of wait time.
probably easier and much quicker to run the video on your monitor and take a Print Screen shot and paste it the Paint program and save as .jpg. Uploading vids on youtube takes a lot of wait time.

Uploading to photobucket is much quicker. I do it from my Droid with their app.
To the OP, I started My reef using dechlorinated tap water for the first 4-6 months. Sps, Lps, softies, High bioload. It looked good for a while. Eventually it will catch up and he will learn. I know I did.
To the OP, I started My reef using dechlorinated tap water for the first 4-6 months. Sps, Lps, softies, High bioload. It looked good for a while. Eventually it will catch up and he will learn. I know I did.

Like previously stated, this tank has been running for over a year.

Still tap water. Still thriving.
YouTube video is up.

<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

If embed doesn't work, here's the link.

Like previously stated, this tank has been running for over a year.

Still tap water. Still thriving.

FWIW, my tank was running for several years on tap water before my coral started dying and all the nuisance algae started appearing. Take that as you will.
i thought we were going to see some large size angels like in those asian tanks. i only saw a small emp juvie and a few tangs.

i can applaud the nice corals in the tank though.
i thought we were going to see some large size angels like in those asian tanks. i only saw a small emp juvie and a few tangs.

i can applaud the nice corals in the tank though.

Yah, the angles were hiding throughout the video. The Majestic and Koran seemed to be camera shy. I will try and get a video of them this week. The owner said he will be removing the Emperor soon, it started nipping.

Im back to update this thread a little.

The tank is still up and still running - without a sign of algae.

Equipment has changed a little so i'll give the full run down.

- LED Lighting - Used to be one fixture, now two.
-The overflow - doesn't have a stand pipe or durso. Its just an overflow box stuffed with bio balls and a poly pad on top.
- The return is Rio
-Skimmer is ASM G2
-1/4HP Chiller
- small hang-on refugium on sump with DSB and macro algae.

The tank is still BB.

One thing i noticed is he switched out the carbon and GFO reactors for a single Bio Pellet reactor.

As for the livestock.

Same same, just bigger.

All the angels are still in the tank, but bigger. All the tangs are still in the tank, and all have grown but the Clown tang. Doesn't seem to be growing too fast. Corals are growing at a steady pace, and most of the SPS colonies are decently colored. I did notice one of the SPS colonies is not healthy. The clams are both doing good.
Im having difficulty understanding why the use of tap water issue is generating so much turmoil. It seem apparent that everyone knows tap water quality is different from location to location so that some people will be able to pull it off while other can not. Perhaps I missed something to explain why a few people on either side get so b-hurt when someone claims the opposite of their oppinion. As for the comment suggesting that "If the fish are healthy- there is no ethical issue", I strongly disagree. There is indeed still an ethical issue. Look at inmates at the mid level correctional facilities. They house people in very small cells yet they are physically very healthy. With the exception of those who have abused drugs, they visually appear to be physicaly healthier than the general population. However, I doubt their current quarters enable them to be happy. I would assume that it has the opposite effect.
awesome tank just cant believe some people can be so negative cause it goes with everything they've been told or read. not saying they havent experienced some of this bad results for using tap water. Keep up the good work
Wow this thread has gotten crazy!!! Lol..... seems like it has became a discussion about overstocking and or using tap water. I'm curious to see how many people out there do only use conditioned tap water. Here's some pics of my 180 mixed reef. All the water in my system is conditioned tap water.










Those are just a few pics. I do have sps as well, montiporas, acros, and millis that have insanely great PE. I would like to make it clear that I'm not saying everyone should use tap water, but in my area of Kentucky our tap water is not a problem. Kentucky also sits on a ton of limestone so that helps with calcium and alkalinity of the water. I also setup and service tanks on the side and all my clients use tap water. All their tanks are doing great and thriving. I recently converted my 90 to my 180 about 5 months ago. My 90 was up for over 5 years. I would still encourage most people to use a quality R.O. unit. Because not everyones tapwater is of good quality. I just want to break the misconception of people who say you NEVER should use tap water or that you can't keep corals or fish successfully or long term using tap water because that is false. So lets see some more pics of peoples tanks who use tap water maybe then some of these people who crusify others for even thinking about using tap water can see that that's not always the case.

I dont know if you look at that clownish it looks like he is screaming "HELP ME! HELP ME !! HELP ME !!" :hmm5:
Im having difficulty understanding why the use of tap water issue is generating so much turmoil. It seem apparent that everyone knows tap water quality is different from location to location so that some people will be able to pull it off while other can not. Perhaps I missed something to explain why a few people on either side get so b-hurt when someone claims the opposite of their oppinion. As for the comment suggesting that "If the fish are healthy- there is no ethical issue", I strongly disagree. There is indeed still an ethical issue. Look at inmates at the mid level correctional facilities. They house people in very small cells yet they are physically very healthy. With the exception of those who have abused drugs, they visually appear to be physicaly healthier than the general population. However, I doubt their current quarters enable them to be happy. I would assume that it has the opposite effect.

I don't really care if inmates are happy since I am providing them free room and board and health care for the next upteen years.

Oh and nice tank.