My LFS's display tank - defies rules of reefkeeping

Sure they do. They have someone paid $8/hr to change the water daily. They have access to fish and coral at cost.

Equipment wise. As for water changes daily and having to replace fish constantly would put a store out of business. If a store needs to do that to maintain a display tank then they deserve to go out of business anyway.
Equipment wise. As for water changes daily and having to replace fish constantly would put a store out of business. If a store needs to do that to maintain a display tank then they deserve to go out of business anyway.

There are plenty of stores out there that do water changes daily on their displays.

Doing a daily 20% water change on the 75g display in the front is a drop in the bucket compared to the water changes they do on the 4K gallons they have in the livestock/sale areas.

Also, I may have "access" to most of the same equipment, but I can't afford to run something like a 4 tower beckett on a 75g tank. A lot of stores don't think twice about that.
There are plenty of stores out there that do water changes daily on their displays.

Doing a daily 20% water change on the 75g display in the front is a drop in the bucket compared to the water changes they do on the 4K gallons they have in the livestock/sale areas.

Also, I may have "access" to most of the same equipment, but I can't afford to run something like a 4 tower beckett on a 75g tank. A lot of stores don't think twice about that.

They do not do daily water changes. They do Bi-Weekly changes with tap water and standard Instant Ocean salt. They manually buffer and manually dose.

There is a red Monti that is growing extremely fast, not to mention the purple tang is already 4".
I had a guy come in to the lfs I work part time at and he asked me how we keep the display tank so clean. I replied its not that clean, not that very dirty just had some algie on the glass, and he said it was clean comparied to his. I then asked about his water, if he was running carbon or gfo and he said no just a skimmer and only a skimmer on a 55gal tank. No filter or any thing just a skimmer and lights. He said he was told thats all he needed on a tank that size, by the pet store in town that he shops at. I explained yes you do and I don't care if you buy it from here or not, get a damn filter even if its the hang off the back kind. He did go buy one... from some where else that is a cheaper model than the one we have, but at least he has a filter now.
I had a guy come in to the lfs I work part time at and he asked me how we keep the display tank so clean. I replied its not that clean, not that very dirty just had some algie on the glass, and he said it was clean comparied to his. I then asked about his water, if he was running carbon or gfo and he said no just a skimmer and only a skimmer on a 55gal tank. No filter or any thing just a skimmer and lights. He said he was told thats all he needed on a tank that size, by the pet store in town that he shops at. I explained yes you do and I don't care if you buy it from here or not, get a damn filter even if its the hang off the back kind. He did go buy one... from some where else that is a cheaper model than the one we have, but at least he has a filter now.

Why does he need a filter? Live rock, a skimmer and water movement should be enough to filter a reef. My tanks don't have fiters.
I thought this section was for responsible reef keeping?

It is. I chose to post it here since I thought it was irresponsible for the store to make customers think this is the standard practice in reef keeping.

I still strongly believe so. The tangs and angels have grown so large they literally bump into each other turning corners.
I thought this section was for responsible reef keeping?

Tap water can be done, especially if you are protein skimming and GFO'ing out all the bad stuff. they might be lucky and have good tap water with low silicates and phosphates as well.

how big are the tangs in that tank, seems like a lot of load for a 70gallon, even more to show they are doing something right.

Tap water can be done, especially if you are protein skimming and GFO'ing out all the bad stuff. they might be lucky and have good tap water with low silicates and phosphates as well.

how big are the tangs in that tank, seems like a lot of load for a 70gallon, even more to show they are doing something right.

See page 1.
^^^not always the case. i know that my sister lives on maryland's eastern shore and has tap/well water sourced directly from the Salisbury Paleochannel. She uses tap in all her tanks and regularly pulls < 10 on her hanna tds meter. by comparison my 'clean' city water pulls no less than 350 on my meter. sucks that her water is free...
The key point is there is only one rule to reef keeping- good water quality. And for fish good food. As long as this is done-it doesnt matter how. Fish stocking is opinion and suggestion- the fish haven`t read the books and if rule 1 and 2 are followed, it really doesnt matter. If the fish are healthy- there is no ethical issue. Not to be suggested to be sure-but it is a display. Don`t tell the person doing something with success it can`t be done.