My Linkia Starfish Babies!!! Check this out!

Hey Folks,

I have had two linkia starfishes for a while, one that is orange and the other is a dalmation linkia starfish, and they have been crawling my tank very happy!

About 3 months ago, I noticed that my dalmation linkia starfish, detached 3 of his arms, I was freaked out thinking he was dying...I read online that the legs could regenerate and become new starfish.

Low and behold the 3 arms are cruising the tank and now they have grown their new arms!!! Check out the pics below, I thought I would share with all you guys!








Amazing---and this is, let me emphasize to anyone getting sudden thoughts of duplicating this feat, NOT an easy species, and not a species for a brand new tank!
Go post this one over in the invert forum: I'll bet people will be interested.
Omg - that's amazing!!!! Thanks for sharing. I used to know someone here in Houston who would love to see those photos, but I can't seem to locate her. Does anyone know where Ophuiroid is? She last posted on RC in 2007. I imagine she's active on some other board.