My nano reef build of cubic dimensions :D


New member
As I begin this journey with the goal of turning a glass box into miniature ocean in a small corner of my abode. I must first thank all those that have given me a hand or sacrificed their time, sweat, and even blood on this build. So THANK YOU! I won't mention any names for now as I don't want anyone ( cough... Niño) stealing my "help" during this build lol. In fact I will change the names to protect the innocent as well as my "help. "

It's certainly been an adventure getting this tank and I imagine it will continue to be one as I piece together this build on a shoe string budget.

With all that out of the way...... I present you with my 240 gallon nano reef :D

Ok so it doesn't look like much here sitting on its side. But I did learn that camo tarp does very little to hide a tank this size from the wife.

I've always wanted a 36" cube tank, so why not a 48" one? I obtained this aquarium undrilled. The bottom is double paned, so I was pretty much set on drilling one of the side panels.

So first thing on the todo list was get it drilled.

3 dudes + a couple drills + 2 diamond coated hole saws - a few hours + some tape and water = 3 half inch glass disk and lots glass dust.


HA, nice to see the build finally start to come to life. That is one beast of a heavy tank. I think we ALL underestimated the weight of that thing moving it from bobby's truck to your patio. Eddies tank was a breeze to move compared to yours, sheesh! :)
That's the biggest nano in the world lol, this thread been a long time a coming.

Btw wats w the tiny pics, u know these RC folks like big pictures haha
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I still have nightmares of that "NANO" tank lol. Looking forward to the build, this should be a great one.
A nano build deserves nano photos. Lol. I uploaded them on my phone via tapatalk. I'll see what I can do next time :)
fill up and lets put your princess in full dive gear on it. Lol . Or just drop her in my house before my wife sneaks in and steals her.
Present status: Sump build


Thanks to a very generous member and Mr. Acrylic himself, we were able to repurpose some old acrylic into what will be my sump.

More to come.
Very cool. What pump are you going to connect to the Wavysea? Hammerhead. :rollface: You just keep a pump in sump for that, right?

Look forward to seeing your progression.

My return pump, tunze silence 1073.11

You can run them off your return pump or i imagine a closed loop would work as well.

It's similar to the sea swirl, except the speed and rotation is programmable. These can also spin around 360 degrees. The new version is made by Vertex and called Mocean.
Did you get the WaySea off of ebay. I was bidding on an unused one about a week or so ago and got outbid the last day. I hope that wasn't you :angryfire: