D0ughb0y, how easy was the integration between the Ternsy and the ESP8266, and how stable has it been? (Sorry if this is off topic but RC won't let me PM you until I have 10 posts).
The reason I had to change the led controller circuit and reordered new pcb is because I changed the esp8266 interface to teensy 3.2. I also changed from using esp-01 to esp-12 since esp-01 does not have RTS/CTS pins available. I also got a bunch of esp-03 only to find out they don't have RTS/CTS pins as well.
I won't say it is easy. I first wrote an esp8266 library (using esp AT commands) from scratch, then found out at speed of 115200, a very basic web page containing some javascript takes more than 30 seconds to load, which is too long. So I ended up writing a new Teensy 3.2 serial library that uses hardware handshake and it now loads in split second at 4.6 megabaud. I was a bit surprised to find out that 100% of tons of esp8266 code out there that use AT commands run at 115200 baud.
The serial1.c file was incorporated into teensyduino as an alternate serial1 driver. rename the file to serial1.c to use it.
For some reason, pjrc chose a "software" based implementation to hardware handshake. I tested that version on my led controller program and it failed miserably right off the bat. The true hardware based hardware handshake works 100% of the time and is stable.
I originally planned to make the libraries generic, but currently, it is specific to teensy 3.x and will work with teensy 3.x only. and it works with a slightly customized version of webduino.
I recently added
websocket support to the webduino library that I plan to use in the controller web app.
It also supports running the esp8266 in both Access Point mode and Station mode simultaneously, so you can connect to the controller even if your wifi router goes down.
The only thing I wish the esp8266 AT commands support is SSL connection. The latest firmware claims it supports SSL in AT commands, but it does not work. I think espressif could hire a lot better firmware developers than what they have right now.
It may be too much trouble to make the libraries generic now, so I may just package and release them as teensy 3.x libraries.