I have the code working I was just mainly trying to find where the setpoints were. (utils it turns out) If you know were I can download other peoples configuration of this code for comparison please let me know.
I'm trying to set the outlets to turn my T5 lights on 12pm and off at 9pm. It appears that the timing for the outlets run on a cycle. How do I force the cycle to be 24hours so I can have the lights come on and run a less then a 12 hr photoperiod? Everything I try generates errors.
you define the schedule in config.h
you are correct on the cycle. In your example, your cycle time is 24 hours. It is split into 3 parts, initial off, on, then off time, all in seconds.
cycle always starts at midnight.
your initial off time is 12 hours or 43200 seconds
on time is 9 hours or 32400 seconds
off time is 3 hours or 10800 seconds
if you add the 3 intervals, the total is 86400 seconds which is 24 hours.
I use cycles because it allows very fast schedule calculation to determine if the state is ON or OFF based on the current time (seconds since midnight). If your cycle time is less than 24 hours, it must be a multiple of 24 hours, say you want to do something 4 times a day, your cycle time is 6 hours. From the current time (seconds since midnight), I take the modulo of the cycle time, then determine on which interval the value falls (whether it is ON or OFF).