My Neptune Apex web interface compatible DIY reef controller

I loaded the sketch up and commented out the first few lines for heater sonar and such things just like a few post back said to do and it compiled perfect. I loaded it on to the mega no problems there.

I had only the lcd screen hooked up to the board and the Ethernet card (w5100) lcd was hooked up to 5v and ground on the arduino along with the scl and sda nothing showed on the screen just square blocks

The Ethernet didn't work out as I wanted to. I have been trying to connect using the Ethernet at my work. I used the dhcpaddressprinter to get the ip addy I used that in the config file for the ip and for the router ip I used the company gateway ip nothing happened.

I could ping it and get a hit so I know it was there I removed the internet cable and pinged again and returned nothing so I know it was there and at that address.

the micro card is 4gig formatted Fat32 used SDformatter to do it. and the only file is index.htm.. I used card INFO from examples on the arduino to confirm that the sd card was working and it is.

I also did all the updates to the files that are in the read me file before uploading the sketch..
changed the contrast and didnt help... I am using a screw sheild on my mega so I dont have to solder all the conections and there is no conection on the ICSP pins he 6 small ones in the middel of the board do I need them or is it ok with out them..
The backpack on the LCD has the same chip as the one Doughb0y recommend does the LCD have a separate chip I need to adjust?
rott, Jmerino is probably on it. I ordered two backpacks with the correct chip (PCF8574T). I'm using one set a2 on the board and in the config file the address is set at 0x20. The other one has nothing set on the board so it must default to a0 i guess. Obviously the a0 wont work without me changing the address now and I confirmed that.
Is "LOCAL_IP" in the config file the address I have my router assign for the controller? I can access the controller from the web but it cant update the NTP or send emails.
camblonie did you forwared port 7777 to the internal ip number in your router that is the port set for NTP
My PC's dont have any problem getting NTP time. I forwarded port 7777 and 123 to the Arduino anyway but it didn't have an affect.
ok now I see what you mean first time for using one of the back packs so can you tell me what one to use to go with this sketch A0 A1 A2 and all I do is just solder bridge the connection on the backpack?
Doughboy, a quick question.

Did you tie the pins from the ULN-2083A or did you make a PCB for it? If it's a PCB, can you post it?

Thanks :)
after connecting the two A2 solder pads togther I still dont have anything on the screen but blocks. is it because I dont have sonar temp and ph hooked up? I would think i would still see time on it or some thing.
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You can comment out the sensors in the config file and be ok. Did you run a sketch to check the i2c address? I think I found one on the main arduino site to confirm 0x20
no I didn't I did not know of that sketch to confirm the i2c .. I all ready have the sensors commented out to get it to compile.

If I soldered the other to (a0 and a1) would the arduino just default to what it needs I looked on the arduino forum but didn't find an answer or I didn't ask it correct.
LCD trouble

LCD trouble

I ordered both backpacks that Jerry suggested just to be sure and they are cheap. The pic with the light is the working one at 0x20, the other I couldn't get working even after changing the address. Same result you're having, all blocks lit. Try the address scanner here:,d.aWc&cad=rja


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