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I think the temp issue is due to circuit problem. Either pullup resistor needs to be changed, or the sensors are using up more power than it should. I am back to 2 temp sensors for now.
The DS18B20 datasheet says a weak pullup is needed if sensor is powered externally and the value given is 5k. I'll try to change it to 5k and see what I get. I'll also order 5 DS18B20 chips to actually test the circuit on 5 sensors.
I got my parts for the pwm fan, and it is working better with the two transistor common ground circuit. The fan now fully turns off.
ok, placed order for 5 ds18b20 chips. estimate to be here next saturday.
I had a nose around the arduino site, and found this.,20574.0.html
Suggests that on short cable runs a 4k7 should be fine, but some timings in the 1wire librabry may need a tweak, as the library was written with very tight parameters.
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