moomin, I think you reverse season for light to save energy, but not for temp.
so for summer, you want to run the tank at a higher temp, and in winter, lower temp. If you use reverse season, you will need to heat up your tank to a higher temp during your winter time since it is summer down under.
for light, you use reverse season. During summer, you run the light shorter, and winter, you run the lights longer.
The current chauvet code sort of will do the temp change for you, but only twice a year. For fan, you set the on/off temp, say around 78F, and for heater, you set the on/off temp, say around 74F. During summer, only the fan will activate and temp is higher, and during winter, only the heater will activate, and it keeps the tank temp lower. This keeps it simple. If the temp setting is variable everyday, then you can end up running the heater in summer and the fan during winter.
I don't know if I want to run my tank at 69F (21C).
Peak of Aussie summer is in Jan when their water temp is at 29C.
Great Barrier Reef Water Temperature peak summer 29C - mid winter (~July) 21C
adjusted Season for UK
Hours of daylight
adjusted Daylight for UK
Great Barrier Reef Water Chemistry
Mg/Ca =4.1 PPT
Sr/Ca =7.1 PPT
Ba/CA =4.4 PPT
DO =5.25%
Ph =7.99-8.13
SG =1.0212 @ 25C