My new 225, what do you think.


Reefkeeping Mag Staff
I took the BIG step up and bought a 225g tank from algeaguy in L.A.
I have added a closed loop system powered by another sequence dart,which I have another sequence dart as a return pump.
Skimmer is a Deltec AP702, Calcium reactor is a Deltec PF500, and a Deltec phosphate reactor.
For lighting I bought a 72" Maristar Light fixture with 3 250w DE halides and 4 39 w T-5's.

It has taken a couple of months to round up all the different parts to put this system up the way I wanted it, but I'm getting close.
I will have a Neptune III running it all and be useing a Aquazone Deluxe 100 also.
Most of these devices I have bought from fellow reefers from this club. Thanks to everyone who sold me certain appliances.

Have I forgotten anything that you guys can think of that would make it nicer?
I finally had some time this morning to load some pictures on photobucket, so hear are a couple of pics.




Bradley-j-p, The closed lopp is 1 inch and the intake to the darts are 2 inch, the return from the darts are 1 and a half inch pipes. So I think I should be getting almost 5000 gallons an hour in circulation. I like your name also. My middle initial is J.
I run a closed loop with a dart and an OM 4 way on my 215. I have four 1" returns.

I don't think it's enough flow for my tank. I plan on adding some streams.

Are you happy with the flow you're getting? How many returns?


Is this the tank that is run entirely off a single pump?

Didn't the overflow use a gravity line to feed all the equipment in the stand ?
I got the sand and rock in this week. 160lbs of sand and 273lbs of Live rock, huge peices also. Now all I have to do is set up my new ACIII and then wait for the cycle to run its course. I should be able to tranfer my tangs over to their new home by september if everything goes well.
I can't beleive how great this Deltec AP702 works.......



Neptune is set up, aquanotes installed and brown algea growing, Life is sweet isn't it.LOL




Here is a shot I took last night with just the T-5's on..
