My new 420 tank

Not much else done as of now. I have limited time to work on the tank and it seems like everytime I try the kids are going to bed so no using powertools. I did get the fittings glued in the overflow boxes. I wanted to make sure they were sealed really good before I glued the overflows on.
Jumping a little ahead of everything, talking about the finish trim around the tank once its in the wall; I think I have decided to do the trim in oak to match our cabinets because it is going in the kitchen. I need access on top of the tank (maybe about a foot). I think I am going to do a single hinged top piece and maybe put false doors on that. Make sense? Anyway, does anyone have any pictures of finished in wall tanks? I am just looking for some ideas.
I just got everything trimmed and the overflow boxes are on too. The picture here is taken from inside the tank. I will try and get it flipped over tomorrow and get it on the ground to get some water in it. I am going to put a 1 inch hole in the bottom center of the back piece and tap it so I can put a valve on it for draining purposes. It wont bee seen after I get the sand in it. I might extend it up just past the sand bed to make easy water changes.

Looking good. That is what I like to see. Progress! I have seen some really nice trim work here on RC. I cant remember which thread but I will do some hunting around. Someone placed a long piano hinge along the top and then a little metal strut/latch thing on the right side inside that props the lid open when you need it open. The trim looks really nice and it meets the wall nearly perfectly flush. It was an inwall that seperated the living or dining room and maybe the garage. It could have been sidewinder or sidewinder77's ??? Or maybe someone else. I will try to find it. :)
I think I know which one you are talking about Chris. I actually found a picture of someones tank on ebay I saw a while back that I kept the picture.

I went ahead and drilled the hole for the drain. Next step will be getting it on the ground for water. :D

Here is the back of the tank with the overflows.


I think I wanna do the trim something like this without the doors on the bottom. I dont know who's tank this is, but I think it looks really nice and will match our kitchen.

Well, today is the day of truth. Water Test! I got the tank off the bench. I framed the top part of the stand with some 2x6's and set that down on the floor and leveled it. Then I put the tank on the framed part of the stand and it is filling now. It should be full in a few hours and I will post more pictures then if I get a chance. Looking at the picture here, the edges dont look so great because they havent been polished yet.

Alright, it holds water and I have no leaks! :cool: I am going to leave the water in it for a while. I guess the next part will be getting the soon to be fish room started. I have a lot of junk to get out of the garage before I can start that.

it holds water awesome!the tank is really coming together nicely.are you going to use those pvc fittings in the overflow or are they temporary?looks like you are using just one female and a male and screwing them together through the bottom of the overflow?did you silicone them in or something to keep them from leaking?
The holes in the overflow holes are tapped to 1 inch pipe thread. The bottom piece of pvc is a male fitting that is glued in. The top fittings are female fittings that are screwed onto the couple of threads that protrude through the overflows for the stand pipes. Just a way I like to do things.
Started clearing out some of my junk in the garage and I drew out the tank on the back wall. It doesnt look that big on this wall. On the garage side of the tank, the bottom of the tank is going ot be amlost 47 inches off the floor. I am going to have to build an overhang on the stand to do the maintenance.
