My New 568 Gal Reef

WOW....the corals look amazing against that lush green algea!!!

At least it looks like you aren't having any of the "nuisance" algea's...everything appears to be just turf algea that the grazers will GLADLY clean up for you :D:D:D
Here are a few pictures of the behind the scene of the tank...





I short update and a few pics.

I recently added new fish to the tank and unfortunately, they didn't all make. There were a few reasons for this.
a. I kept loosing smaller and weaker fish to the overflow. After loosing my prized Mystery Wrass that way, I took action and made a few adjustments.
b. I think the fish were not necessary net caught and they had just arrived. Here in Israel, the fish journey for close to and sometimes more than 24 hours. Now, if you want a special species or you want to by them on sale, you have to take them the moment you lay your eyes on them. I am sorting this out by moving up the schedule on getting the quarantine tank in place.

I am putting a hold on new fish for the time being. Some of my other fish have white spots, but they don't seemed bothered.

I got a few new Tridacna clams, and Elegance, Euphylia, some zoanthides and Acroporas. Here are some updated pics:





I think the algae is part of the new tank syndrome. The tank has been running since March, a total of 5 months. I did have a short lived hair algae problem, but that was handled immediately. Another reason for all the green is that I only added dry rock. Not even one lb of live rock went in. And the final reason, is the I only recently got my hands on a small cleaning crew....

I am open for suggestion.

Po4 is 0.05 ppm
No3 is 5 ppm

hmmmm...interesting. Only dry rock eh? Did you soak it in RO/DI water? I would guess not. That may be a source of PO4. I can't imagine living in Israel and using dry rock. Seems counter-intuitive, but perhaps there are some stiff collection rules there.

"cleaning crews" just make it look better, but they do not export the nutrients. I would start running GFO 24/7 and see what happens to your numbers and the algae. Nothing terribly wrong with .05 and 5 ppm, but you will have a hard time getting corals to thrive. So you are still dealing with the new tank thing, and running the GFO will go a long way to clearing that up.
I really like your display Edan.
I'd have to agree running GFO and GAC will help deal with much that is going on in your tank until the base rock can fully establish as a biological filtering mass. On a much smaller scale , I delt with a similar issue when starting up a 75 g with 50/50 base and live rock. It is easily a 6 to 8 month process for the base rock to come up to speed.
I hope you can resolve your fish acclimation issues and get this beautiful tank full of fish, but it may best waiting for your rock to catch up anyway.
Hi Edan whats up,

As you can see I'm also from Israel (Tel-Aviv).

Where do you live?

BTW your tank is beautiful - Where do you get your corals from , are they from Willy?
It's been ages since I last wrote here. I made a career change and kind of neglected my tank. Actually, I used to import aquarium products to Israel and because of the way I left the industry, I really wanted to get rid of the tank. I have, however, decided to jump back in I'm towards the end of upgrading my system.
I replaced the sump and changed to an ATB XL skimmer instead of the ELOS 4000 (served me well). I added a closed loop system behind the rock work to improve circulation (hamer-head pump) and removed all the rock work, cleaned them off from the mojano anemones and rearranged them. I also took the opportunity to remove some of the pesty fish like blue damsels and golden pigmy angel fish.
I will try to upload some pictures soon.
No issues up to now which is the reason I went with the fiber glass in the first place. Meant to hold up much longer than just glass. I guess only time will tell.
I do have some coral die off at he moment so I guess the tank started a cycle of sorts.