I don't really know enough about it or have the practical backround to comment intelligently. I really do not believe that any sand in a reef tank is desirable. I think a properly maintained RDSB has value, as do dedicated sand filters, but if the sand isn't cycled out periodically, trouble will loom on the horizon.
I know there are many successful reefs with DSBs, plenums, etc. but IME the sand bed adds risk. I use just enough sand for visual effect, and vacuum it (supposedly regularly) and replace sand as needed. Unfortunately, sand beds are too easy to ignore for long periods, because it is just a total PITA to maintain them.
I can't tell you how many times I have heard reefers and LFS staff talking about DSBs and how in a reef they never need to be maintained. "They are a natural filter"...I always try to contain myself (ignore, ignore) because AFAIAC, that's just plain rubbish. Then on top of it, sand "sifting" animals are sold to keep the sand bed "clean". IMO, another farse. Sand is a great filter media, but like all media, it will reach capacity in a captive system.
This is a long and storied discussion that often builds into serious arguments, as I imagine that's why ldrhawke is "Moved On". Even with a mostly BB tank, I still do not get enough flow under my rocks to dissipate detritus. I can't imagine how foul it would be with a DSB. The fact that BigDaddy states, "The waste water also has a faint hydrogen sulfide smell." tells me that the sand is essentially creating a toxic region which he is draining off. But would there be this toxicity if there was no sand bed?
I am always interested in new ideas and seeing how reefers create water quality solutions. I would love to see what you do and how it fares over the life of your reef!