ok well now that i am more awake and read the thread a little more, I am kinda figuring out your SPS prob. possiably. you stated you had nitrites in the tank. that would deff. be a concern for growing SPS IMO. I am not the best at SPS by all means as I am just getting started in them also. I have higher nitrates in my tank and all though my SPS corals stay with a great color and polyp extension, they don't grow very fast IMO.
when i was at your place I noticed your corals were bleaching and I was thinking it was from the lights at first but reading the thread i am guessing the nitrites.
I know you have other tanks that are setup without many fish and good lighting
so just as a test would you care to try putting some SPS in there and see how they do as they wouldn't have the nitrites.
I am always willing to stop by
and drool at your tanks when I am free and help out on things that your not sure of
even though you have other great ppl such as Travis closer. I am not a marine bioliogest (SP.) but have done my share of things to learn from and am sure the both of us along with RC can get things figured out to make your tank your dream SPS reef tank.
but keep up the great work. I don't care what ppl say when I was there, I didn't see any aggression what so ever. all the fish very healthy and looked happy. not saying that in time it could change some but as of now I would just try for the nitrite issues.
I will stop rambling on for the time being just wanted to give my .02