OK...sorry I was gone so long...just woke up!
Obviously we all know the nutrients are way too high to grow corals successfully in this tank at this time and some adjustments need to be made.
Salinity 1.022
Temp 79
NH3 <.25
NO3 25
NO2 .1
PH 8.0
Phos .40
Alk 8.0/2.86
CA 400
As has already been mentioned, salinity is low, but we have heard there was a probelm. The swing itself does more damage than whatever you level out at but the 1.026 is where most reef keepers are using as a goal.
You have to fix whatever allowed the problem to occur.
pH really depends on when you took the test. The important thing is to try and do tests at around the same time of day. I typically do mine whle I am waiting for the food to thaw.
NH3, No3, NO2, & PO4 should all be ZERO. The reason why is that even when your test kits give that result they are still present in the system.
I tested my system water the other day and got zero PO4, then I took a sample of the sand in my fuge, stirred it up, and the PO4 was totally off the Merck chart. The issue you face now, is taht with so much in the water column, you will have a very hard time because if it's in the water column, it has already saturated your rock/sand etc. PO4 binds to these materials, and then you see it in the water column. You can PM for more discussion.
I wouldn't feed ANY more flake food of any kind. Want to know why? Soak some in water and then test the water. Have a beer at the ready because you are going to feel sick when you see the results.
As far as nori goes, I definitely recommend searching out the "dried" versions, but I am totally against using nori sheets. This is a very common practice in the hobby and I really hate to see it. Flame away boys, but you don't actually understand what you are doing to your tanks.
Tangs love those nori sheets and it's fun to watch them tear it up right? And then occassionally some will get away, end up in the overflow, or under a rock, etc. and by the end of the feeding session you have just added more PO4 without the fish getting the benefit of consuming it first. It's not as bad as feeding phyto, but it still is unneccessary IMO.
What I use is Takaokaya Kizami Nori (Dried Seaweed SLICED) and I soak it in various vitamins. It is basically seaweed strips about 2.5" long and the fish suck it up like kids suck up sphaghetti. There is NEVER any wasted. None ever gets to the rocks or the overflow, and all of it is consumed. Unfortunately it's not in every store, but if you can't find it, most Japanese restaurants use it as a garnish so you can try to get a source throgh them as well.
As for RowaPhos, there are identical products being sold for a lot less, like PhosPure from Fosters Smith and PhosLock from Custom Aquatic.