My new 600 gallon reef

The Vlamingi & ABT are two of my favorite tangs. The vlamingi is way out of reach size wise for me and after seeing Jonathan's Big Blue, the ABT might be also! Beautiful fish Chuck!
That ABT is still a young'un with the yellow tail. When I got mine, it had just switched to a blue tail. The scary thing is when they communicate, they can turn 1/3 to 1/2 of their body virtually white.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15111371#post15111371 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
what's with the midget ABT Chuck? :lol:
I just feed them the ordinary frozen foods & flakes. Mine aren't on steroids........:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15111371#post15111371 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
what's with the midget ABT Chuck? :lol:
Jonathan...just a thought...during your sabbatical, maybe you could market and sell your frozen food. Seems to have done well with your fish. You might be surprised how many takers you might get. ;)
:lol: No doubt! I can't believe you feed flake to that fabulous colllection of fish. You and I need to have a talk! :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15113709#post15113709 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
:lol: No doubt! I can't believe you feed flake to that fabulous colllection of fish. You and I need to have a talk! :D
I forgot to mention pellets too. The Vlamingii in the above picture darn near jumps out of the water going after the pellets. Kind of reminds me of tossing treats to a dog......
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15113707#post15113707 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
Jonathan...just a thought...during your sabbatical, maybe you could market and sell your frozen food. Seems to have done well with your fish. You might be surprised how many takers you might get. ;)

I have thought about it, but it wouldn't be very profitable, which is why hobby food is so expensive. I may give it more thought but what I would rather do is encourage people to make their own, a la melev, me, etc.

Part of it is philosophy. You can't imagine the face on someone who has just tested their over-the-counter fish food for phosphate & nitrate. It is indeed startling. Then you dig deeper into individual ingredients and find all sorts of strange stuff. So long-term, wouldn't it be better if reef keepers became more aware and more self-sufficient?

All you have to do is grab up some stuff at the grocery store, chop it up, add vitamins, and freeze it. It's pretty darn easy. For someone like yourself, it can be an economy thing too. Spend half an hour making fish food, and save quite a bit of money each month, all the while reducing the crap going into the system and having much healthier fish. It's a no-brainer for me, but I am sure quite a mental hurdle for many people.

Make your own dammit! :lol:
My first and only try ended up a failure. Must have been in the processor too long. All the food did was cloud the water and fouled the skimmers. Corals might have like it, but the fish didn't. You should know that I can screw up a batch of macaroni & cheese............
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Sounds like you need to try again, Chuck.

I never timed it, but I think I ran mine 30 seconds at a time. Open it up, check the size, and pulse it for 10 more seconds, maybe 15. Open it up, check again.

You can also run different sized batches, then combine them before freezing. That way each time you feed your tank, you have multiple sized foods to offer. Smaller fish like tiny food, bigger fish like a mouthful, and corals like particulates.
SO TRUE. Fish will only consider what they think is "food" and a lot of that has to do with size in my observation. So maybe add whole krill, whole mysid, chop some shrimp, etc.

If you have anemones, then you can typically err a bit on the large size, because those big pieces will get dragged to them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15111169#post15111169 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dante_JoseCuerv
Ooooo, that's a very nice vlamingii. I've always been a big fan of the naso genus.
Thank you! I've got Vlamingii's in three different tanks and they are all getting huge. I had no idea that they would grow as fast as they have and get so big.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15112110#post15112110 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bax
The Vlamingi & ABT are two of my favorite tangs. The vlamingi is way out of reach size wise for me and after seeing Jonathan's Big Blue, the ABT might be also! Beautiful fish Chuck!
I've had the ABT for 3 years. I would estimate that it is 4 ~ 5 inches in length. I think that Jonathan's might be an exception to the rule....
BTW, it's really not "my" ABT. It belonged to a lady named Bonnie. She grew it out to about 11.5" and I only had it for a few months. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15112097#post15112097 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
Beautiful ABT Goodwin9. I'm Jealous!
Thank you! It is one of those tangs that I don't seem to pay a lot of attention to. It's just there. I was watching it yesterday and realized how much it can change shades of colors. At one point, it's tail was a bright yellow.
Newest addition arrived this morning. Couple of photos while acclimating.




He has the blue stripe behind the eye. They look much better with the blue stripe. Must be dependent on where they collect them geographically. Mine has a small black stripe behind the eye. I see them most commonly this way. Good find Goodwin9.
