My new 600 gallon reef

They said this one came from Sumatra. Looks like the Dussimer is going to give it a run for the money. The PB tang which normally harasses any new fish has stayed away for the time being.



It's amazing how many tangs you are able to house together in your tank. What's the grand total currently?
Just read whole thread

First off- My dad is a lung cancer survivor and so this thread was particularly touching.
What you have survived and kept your chin up through is indescribably incredible. If I was anywhere close to SD (and if I ever am!) I would come and give you a big hug and help you scrape some coraline anytime.

Your good spirits throughout is inspirational and it was really cool to see some friendships reveal themselves.

quick staples-related story:
when my dad was freshly home and stapled up, my stepmom had made some soup. She had accidentally added waaay too much pepper, but tried to salvage it anyway. Things were tense. We all started eating our soup. Being the pickiest, I was the first to let out some facial expressions indicating the over-spiciness. My face turned bright red. Everyone cracked smiles as they choked on their way-too-peppery soup. This quickly broke out into such a hearty laughter that my dad had to step outside for fear of bursting his staples.

It doesn't sound as touching all typed up, but hopefully it was ok. My dad is now years later also a prostate cancer survivor and going strong. (just finished putting an aspen grove in the yard)

Your reef tanks reflect your passion and care for the hobby- it has been a delight reading this thread, and I have had your webcams bookmarked from RC surfing months ago.

Your ric tank is truly unique and absolutely stunning. I saw a nano tank of the month nominee who used dark substrate under the rics and it made them pop even more!

Just wanted to say thanks for contributing your experiences with us. Look forward to following your future posts/threads.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15120279#post15120279 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
I personally think he's got one too many. :lol:
You're right! I just had to net it and move it to another tank. Two cuts on one side. I think that the 600 is maxed out for tangs. :mad:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15120065#post15120065 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
It's amazing how many tangs you are able to house together in your tank. What's the grand total currently?
Well, after taking the new one out of the tank, I am left with 24 in the tank. Now I have to figure out what to do with the new one. I think that I must have been fooling myself thinking that I could add just one more. Poor decision on my part.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15120327#post15120327 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reeferoo
Just read whole thread

First off- My dad is a lung cancer survivor and so this thread was particularly touching.
What you have survived and kept your chin up through is indescribably incredible. If I was anywhere close to SD (and if I ever am!) I would come and give you a big hug and help you scrape some coraline anytime.

Your good spirits throughout is inspirational and it was really cool to see some friendships reveal themselves.

quick staples-related story:
when my dad was freshly home and stapled up, my stepmom had made some soup. She had accidentally added waaay too much pepper, but tried to salvage it anyway. Things were tense. We all started eating our soup. Being the pickiest, I was the first to let out some facial expressions indicating the over-spiciness. My face turned bright red. Everyone cracked smiles as they choked on their way-too-peppery soup. This quickly broke out into such a hearty laughter that my dad had to step outside for fear of bursting his staples.

It doesn't sound as touching all typed up, but hopefully it was ok. My dad is now years later also a prostate cancer survivor and going strong. (just finished putting an aspen grove in the yard)

Your reef tanks reflect your passion and care for the hobby- it has been a delight reading this thread, and I have had your webcams bookmarked from RC surfing months ago.

Your ric tank is truly unique and absolutely stunning. I saw a nano tank of the month nominee who used dark substrate under the rics and it made them pop even more!

Just wanted to say thanks for contributing your experiences with us. Look forward to following your future posts/threads.
Thank you for your kind words and thoughts! I really appreciate it. Glad to hear that your dad is doing well.

Interesting thought about the dark colored sand. I'll bet that would make the colors jump.

Hope you continue the thread after the big mistake I made today.....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15120448#post15120448 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
You're right! I just had to net it and move it to another tank. Two cuts on one side. I think that the 600 is maxed out for tangs. :mad:

Sorry to hear he's been removed. I was just joking, didn't mean for it to come true! I guess I jinxed you. :eek1:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15119752#post15119752 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mpoletti
Awesome pick up Chuck :)
Thank you! Would have made a nice addition to the tank, but I think that the fish are trying to tell me NO MORE!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15121194#post15121194 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
Sorry to hear he's been removed. I was just joking, didn't mean for it to come true! I guess I jinxed you. :eek1:
I should have known better. It didn't take long for the Fowleri that added a few months back to get beat up. I was thinking that with the size of this fish, it would be able to hold it's own a little better. I almost hate to post this picture, but maybe some one can learn from my mistakes. It's now in the specimen tank and shouldn't be bothered by the clowns I hope...

It had to happen some time Chuck, even in 600 gallons. If you made it to 30, that'd only be 20 gallons per tang! You still have one of the most amazing collection of tangs on any of the boards I follow. The new one is a beauty! Maybe the 410 needs another tang? ... :)

... Maybe some more wrasses or anthias would fit? :D
Just toughen him up a bit Goodwin9. A few weeks in isolation to fatten him up might allow you to introduce him later. I find the juveniles to be the easiest to introduce to a tank. Nobody looks at them as a threat.