My new 600 gallon reef

All I can say is people are missing out locally. But when I pm folks on the SIoux Falls Site....nobody got back to me, other than who already bought. A lot of cheap people out there do not know a deal when they have one presented. Just their loss.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13216871#post13216871 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tangdiver
All I can say is people are missing out locally. But when I pm folks on the SIoux Falls Site....nobody got back to me, other than who already bought. A lot of cheap people out there do not know a deal when they have one presented. Just their loss.

Grant..sent you an email, please read and get back to me..
Chuck, so many people want those rics...if you are having an issue with too many, start shipping them out. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13219094#post13219094 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lunchbucket

Sweet rics. What are the yellowish/orange ones? What color w/ daylights on?

I guess that I would describe the color as goldenrod, much more yellow than the first batch I received.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13213742#post13213742 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thirschmann
very nice! I'm miss have Rics

Here's a link to that nitrate reactor I was talking about. I have read reports about people having Alk and pH problems but I've never had them, maybe its the size of the tank. For that reason I only have sulphur media in my reactor where as most people mix in a calcium source as well.
Was it hard to set up and adjust, and how often do you replace the media?
I got a few really nice blood red bubble tip mushrooms yesterday to got along with the ricordeas...

Read it with a healthy dose of objectivity.
The guy is spamming all corners of the web with his new solution to everything.

I am all for balancing a tank via refugiums or algae scrubbers but there are better places to come about the information that also tells you about inherent dangers of the method.
Word. Algae screens are cool, and can be combined with evaporative cooling, but they are an added maintenance dimension and for my tank, according to the "calculations" offered up, would need a 1000 sq. in. screen! :eek2:
I think you have inspired me to get into rics, here in miami i have seen them quite frequently. I might do something like you have but maybe with a 40 breeder.
btw, your tank is sweet :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13319659#post13319659 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
Word. Algae screens are cool, and can be combined with evaporative cooling, but they are an added maintenance dimension and for my tank, according to the "calculations" offered up, would need a 1000 sq. in. screen! :eek2:

Just an idea for each his own. If the claims of the screen man are anywhere near true. Imo for a system like this it might be worth looking into especially with the heavy fish load. Personally I'd rather do something like that then mess with a phosphate reactor. A 1000 sq inches isn't that much. And maybe we could ditch the chiller with all the evap going on.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13324498#post13324498 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by stdreb27
Just an idea for each his own. If the claims of the screen man are anywhere near true. Imo for a system like this it might be worth looking into especially with the heavy fish load. Personally I'd rather do something like that then mess with a phosphate reactor. A 1000 sq inches isn't that much. And maybe we could ditch the chiller with all the evap going on.

??? My PO4 reactor takes virtually no maintenance at all. Just swap media once a month.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13324386#post13324386 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by drpo21
I think you have inspired me to get into rics, here in miami i have seen them quite frequently. I might do something like you have but maybe with a 40 breeder.
btw, your tank is sweet :)
Thank you, they make a a really nice looking "fishless" tank, something I'm not normally used to keeping :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13326596#post13326596 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by PreacherMan607
Really nice Ricordia! Did you grow these from frags?
Thank you! I bought these ricordeas from a couple of divers down in the Florida Keys. I've been told that the rics with multiple mouths would be easy to frag, but as of yet, I haven't tried.