My new 872 Gallons FO tank

I like all the fish cutie mentioned. I think I would also add a scott's fairy wrasse or a exquisite fairy wrass. and of course you will need one heck of a cleanup crew too keep it clean. especially those fake corals.
Wow, that is a sick skimmer! You spent a pretty penny on that badboy. Are you using a sump? How are you feeding the skimmer? With the drain, or do you have a devoted pump? Great looking tank! You'll be able to keep some great fish int here. As for the fake corals, I have never been a big fan, but its your tank so happy reefing!

Lighting on rail with pix

Lighting on rail with pix

Yes I do have a sump it's located under the tank sump = 60x24x24
Skimmer it's feed by T off from main pump

Regarding the fish list IMO as "Cutiewitbooty" mention above there are too many Angel fish
I like wrasses ,Anthias ,some large Angels,Tangs
As of now I am not so sure with the fish list

I have just finished the lighting on the tank it's on Heavy duty rail with some serious wheel carts -:)))))

I have 4 PCs Aqua Medic 48" T5 with 4 10K and 4 True Actinic bulbs
I was wondering to do Faux sand bed but after small chat with friend of mine who has done it long time ago now I am little bit confuse what to do.
If any of you have some experience with faux sand bed Epoxy+sand in acrylic tanks please let me know how is doing this sand bed after while in salt water tanks with UV lighting.

Lighting Pix

Happy reefing
yeah large angels are pretty, those are just my favorite ones 3 small ones and 1 large :D

What kind of rock is that in there, is it the fake rock stuff?
fake rock? don't make much sence to me. the real stuff is so much more benificial for your system. I guess if you like it that is what really matters. that list is not really too many angels for that large a tank especially sence 3 of them are small. I look foreword to seeing what you choose to put in there. keep us posted.
It looks pretty good. Is this your actual tank or a customers? Looks like Living Color rocks....if you wanted off the shelf "custom" why did you choose them?
As far as fake vs. live rock...try to build a decent looking 25,000 gallon tank with live rock. Think about composition.

First of all dear "delv" the tank belongs to my dogs
Second- living colors have noting to do with this tank
I have desing this tank in appr. 30 min
Sorry, I wasn't insulting your use of composition, I was trying to shed some light as to why someone might use synthetic rock vs. live rock.
Maybe I wasn't clear, didn't mean to ruffle your feathers. Looks Good.

I just wish more people would do these large FO tanks... LOVE IT!!!!!

My suggestions for a trigger is a hawian or black durgeon trigger. Usually in the stores they look kinda crappy due to them being in a small tank but once they get use to the tank their colors are as good as any trigger (well almost) but the best thing is, is that they are as whimpy as a blue throaght they just get a LOT bigger :)

Can't wait to see pics with fish in it :)
Fish list

Fish list

Here is the fish list which is still not final

Ocellaris Clown black 2pcs
Six Line Wrasse 2pcs
Labouti Wrasse; Aus. 1pc
Flame angel 1pc
Goldflake angel 1pc
Naso Tang 1pc
Orange Shoulder Tang 1pc
queen angel 1pc
Harlequin wrasse 1pc
Dussumier tang 1pc
Black tang 1pc
Sohol tang 1pc
Semilavartus butterfly 3pcs
Anularis angel 1pc
Antias sunburst 9pcs female
Anthias orange 7Pcs female
Green chromis 9Pcs
Ocellaris Clown 2pcs
Yellow tang 3pcs
Purple tang 3pcs
Metalic foxface 1pc
Fiji foxface 1pc
Carpenter Flasher Wrasse 5Pcs
Clown Fairy Wrasse 3Pcs
Mystery wrasse 2pcs
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse; Aus. 2pcs
Whipfin Fairy Wrasse: Male 3pcs
Scott's Wrasse: Male 2pcs
Red Fin Fairy Wrasse 3pcs
L ineatus Wrasse: Male; Aus. 1pc

Happy reefing :D :D :D :D :D :D
that sounds like a nice list. cant wait to see pics of it stocked. I like that you chose so many wrasses. is should make for a nice flashy active tank.
more fish

more fish

here is more fish

Pajama cardinals 4pcs
yellow whatchman goby 3pcs
diamond goby 3pcs
bar goby 3pcs
Yellow Clown Goby 1pc
fridmany pseud. 2pcs
Orange Shoulder Tang 1pc
coral beauty 1pc
lawnmover blenny 2pcs
red cap goby 1pc

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
IMO if all goes well in 2-3 weeks I'll fly to LA to get some fish
Every fish has a tendency to hide in begginning.Everithing is base on the place and a lot's of other very important thinks which combine together. For example fish you all ready have or don't have in the tank.
There is no proven study for this particular family of Anthias they are shy or are hiding

I like to show you some of the corals I have been waiting for .


Happy reefing :rollface: :rollface: :rollface: :rollface: :rollface: :rollface: :rollface:
I thought about that but probably not .
IMO 1 min deep in formalin is good enough for the external parasites and second matter a lot where you buying your fish.