I understand that you are looking for alot of smaller flashy fish, have you considered any smaller species of lionfish and possibly forgo the very small fish? I personally dont consider lions aggressive considering they only eat larger fish due to mouth size, like a FW Oscar. Fuzzy Dwarfs for instance now are coming in about 3 color variants and usually stay in that 4-7in range.
If your making a trip to Cali, what about stoping by MarineDepots building for any peaceful triggers? Last time I checked, they keep stock of male and female Blue Throats.
I also second batfin if your interested, I think they would be fine since your tank is tall enough for them.
Glad to see that someone else will be working with the Fiji Rabbitfish, I seem to be one of the few in my area to have heard of them.
I see a Coral Beauty on your list, have you considered Potters aswell? Speaking of angels, what about the Genicathus'? I like Lamark's(try for a pair) and Blackspots.