I think the kessils do shadow unless you raise them higher, but that negates some of the power that it outputs. I guess if we're dialing down LEDs to 50% anyway, then there is power to spare.
I really like the distributed lighting, I do see some "disco light" effect, but I don't notice it, and it certainly doesn't bother me. I think that the more distributed the lighting you can provide with LEDs, the less you'll get shadowing and less complaints about the lights. LEDs are already very narrow lights, and narrowing them more with a spotlight is problematic IMO and makes it harder to keep corals on the sides of the tanks, unless you raise the light really high and run it at a higher power output, which kind of kills some of the efficiency aspect.
I really like the distributed lighting, I do see some "disco light" effect, but I don't notice it, and it certainly doesn't bother me. I think that the more distributed the lighting you can provide with LEDs, the less you'll get shadowing and less complaints about the lights. LEDs are already very narrow lights, and narrowing them more with a spotlight is problematic IMO and makes it harder to keep corals on the sides of the tanks, unless you raise the light really high and run it at a higher power output, which kind of kills some of the efficiency aspect.