My new mille, video under 20K XMx and Phoenix 14Ks

These are taken under my new 20K XMs I got on Saturday. I really like these bulbs. The colors are really popping. Very crisp white with just the right amount of blue for my taste. I think I'm going to install 4 20Ks and hang a 400 watt 14K over the middle (yes, 5 halides total), to see if I can get a slightly brighter look with the 400 watter but keep the blue from the 20Ks.
Brought this bright pink with yellow tip mille home this weekend.

Another cross tank shot:

And, still my favorite shot of the tank:

New pink and blue oxypora:

Video: Still doesn't quite portray the colors and brightness as with the naked eye, but you can see I've moved a few corals and added a few new ones.
Awesome tank! I love the aquascaping.

Are you running all HQI ballasts on the 250W 20K XMm's? I use 400W 20K XM's and love the color. But I hate the heat. Thinking of dropping down to 250W.
Yes, I'm running HQI ballasts on all bulbs. I'll be adding the 400 watt SE 14K above direct center of the tank asap.
Thanks for the compliments.
Thank you! I do love my angels. The imperator has a great personality. He comes up to stare back at me everyday. Honestly, he will come right up and put his face against the acrylic and just stare right back at me for what seems like minutes.
I just ordered a 40x40x30 cube, after seeying your tank I couldn't be happier that I went with a cube!

PLEASE POST more tank pics!!