New Acrylic aquarium - I'm back after 30 y.

As I'm allways looking for simple way I think that if I connect simple 2 wire level sensor parallel to high pressure switch that 2 contacts exist I will have double safety: if pressure switch is NC normally close contact than system is stopped. If level switch is give top level tank is full of clean RO water will give NC also to stop system. Yes will work like this well.

First I was thinking in serial but will not give proper signal contacts NC when activated that both and level switch and high pressure need to be activated to stop working system. Yes wrong - need to be wires parallel connected and whoever first is activate contact will stop RO unit.
Last part main valve to RO to start new RO and use it before start filling tank.
Hello guys...and than water came out...
Pure water... hahahaha


This is after i removed old prefilter 5 micron in old prefiltration of apartment and immagine its old only 1 month what a crap water is in Serbia...goverment build footbal stadiums for millions, delfinarium, no drinkable water in towns all sewage drain direct to river Danube and they buy military aircrafts Falcon from dummy Macronas France.
Arsen in water is over 50% of allowed level, Mangane, Pesticides, worms, bacteria...old Asbest pipes in towns from 1956 ect ect.

Anyway no politics here.


To explain 2 filters prefilter 5 micron + active carbon is old working well and than after this 2 I installed today RO.

Work well. When I close faucet pressure is regulated to 6 bars all unit switch off pump and standby...

As soon I open work pump activated in few seconds.

For tea caffe cooking and little drinking will be OK. Anyway I'm buying water in 16 liter tanks from mountain creek filling small producer approved tested.

Pump is silent. I put also remote controll to power plug.
In Slovenia country where I was lived 30 years water is high quality drinkable no additives no chlor ect. Alps mountains water. Here in Serbia disaster no one care to rebuild pipes 70 years old in towns...

When I start filling aquarium will just attach one T with valve and pipe direct to tank...first fill can go together with salt.
Can't wait...
Tested today filling 19 liter need 1 hour and 15 min.
Super no hurry no need for any higher filling this mean approx. Calculation to fill tank 130x75x60 cm less thickness of acrylic 1,5 cm 2 sides 127 cm less height of water max overflow 5 cm less is 70 cm and less 1.5cm x 2 sides to wide 57cm = 506 liter

500 liters will fill in? I'm not goodnight math allways have 1-2-3 ;)
Seams if I'm not wrong 0,25 dcl per minute for 1 liter of pure water.? What you calculated?

2000 minutes to fill 500 liters. Correct?
1,5 day and night. ;)
This is 19 liters we use to buy drinking water here in Serbia. 2 bottles every 2-3 weeks cost 12 Euro both.
This filled today for testing flow.
as I'm going to wash all 40 kg of Bali sand before filling tank will need a lot.
As living in skyscraper with 48 apartments we have common 1 bill for water counted on how many persons living in 1 flat. Many of them lies and some also using water to watering gardens out of town in summer time.
Not that i will do as them - when i fill tank first time will add +1 person for 1 month. Sleep weel no vanity of bad neigbours. ;)
Finally bring the bricks to cement support that missing 30 cm.

1 brick 20x19x19 cm cost 0,57 US$ or 60 RSD Serbian dinar. In US you don't use them you use Chinese sticks to build houses ;) This on your accounts.

Who mention bricks? Hahahaa
Let's goooooo

And Siemens Logo controller settings basic level switches functionalities.

It's not straitgh but no issue as cover plate white will put around.
On top will glide enough and make level for rubber plate under the aquarium.
Me and concrete lol. ;)
As i need only 30 cm more with bricks to avoid another different bricks to add one row is out
one row is in and behind outer is old 60 years bricks for additional support. Nothing special
im not civil guy first time bricking :) TOday is finished support and going to buy one metal net
to concrete top and level well. Lets see how will pop out. Ayway good few cm rubber will adjust
some small deviation.
Yes thanks. Many friends asked me will be very high if is 75 cm tall and 1 m is from ground support wall.
Yes but i dont care small 3 steps ladder do the job well. Second as i mentioned many times windows is
very high quality and 3ple different tickness of glass inside Argon gas and outside is Stopsol blue protection.
Inside no heat at all this summer we had over 2 months around 40 C daily. Glass outside was over 50 C inside 21 C.
Second aluminum outside inside 7,5 cm wood framed.
View is nice towards hills and also ugly new Police buildings that goverment build for Serbian mafia hahaha.

Soon will be placed today last brick was fixed.

Last touch around frame to lay top layer of concrete all was leveled properly but Monday need to fly for project few weeks grrrrrrrr ;) on top was too many brick holes but placed net to avoid filling endless holes down ;) Will keep well when a little bit soft concrete will pour ;)
Done. Layer poured. Seams skateboard waves but who cares rubber on bottom.
Few weeks now pause as work was finally came back after long period without. Will keep you informed.
Next step is drilling holes for overflow
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