My new red hornet!!!!

i like these zoas more than i do the original purple hornet zoas, i just like the color contrast on your zoas. very nice pick up. although i think they are still asking a very high price per polyp.
If I remember correctly, that is the pic that was used for an auction on ebay. $240+S&H... wayyy too much for me!
here you go

I would be careful ordering from Bay Corals, the ones who sold the OP their red hornet. See my thread in the vendor experiences forum.
I have both the red and purple hornets. I don't understand why they cost so much cause they grow like mad in my tank. I have had my purple hornets for about 1.5 months and they went from 4 to 14 polyps already. My red hornet is 1 month old and it already has grown 3 new polyps. I have a 90g reef and I use the Suntek T5's. Both colonies are in the lower half of the tank with high water movement. All I really do is collect zoas, hopefully once all of my colonies grow out I can start selling frags at reasonable prices. Good luck with yours.
Yea the "Hornet craze" is retarted.... people moaning about how high the price is and thier going to "wait it out" untill the price drops and it goes mainstream.... ummm thats NEVER going to happen unless someone takes one for the team buys it at asking price and then grows it out and sells it out for 5 a head.... maybe you will be that person 90greeman lol.... same thing when blue tubs hit the market... those were the days as well.... the hornet family is only worth what you want to pay for it....
90greefman- When your ready I'll buy a few heads of Red and Purple hornets at whatever price you feel is better. If they grow that fast it won't be long. Let me know when you're ready.
don't understand why they cost so much cause they grow like mad in my tank. I have had my purple hornets for about 1.5 months and they went from 4 to 14 polyps already simple, HYPE, supply and demand, people paying what ever amount for it causing the price to sky rocket. It probably didn't cost that much for the first few folks a small amount to get it, but after the hype, people going like crazy on ebay and stuff.. price is now what it is. That's just the way it is.
Dont hate, let people enjoy the hobby there way you can enjoy yours your way if someone wants to spend money on a single polyp or a 1" frag or whatever it is there choice just wish them well and move on