My new Ricordea floridias came in today! pics

Don't worry about it Stan. If they don't make it just email Ken and he will send you replacements.

For this second shipment I asked him to add a heat pack and he did and everything made it. Everything is doing great. I've already fragged a 3 mouth ric into 3 seperate rics and they are all healed (in two days) and doing great. About an hour ago I cut a large steel blue in half and it is already working the sides together to close the wound.

I will definitely order from Ken again. Just make sure you request a heat pack.

Next time I order some rics I think I'm going to order the 10 for $100 rics from and see how they compare. Has anyone ordered from them before?

I'm trying to post some pics of my rics and sanctithomaes that I got from him but my phone isn't transfering the pics so I'll try later.
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I have dealt with Ken as well seemed like a good guy....One thing I always do in winter when ordering is request a heat pack. You can't assume that they will add one based on the location of the shipment.....If you request one and don't get it then you and the supplier have problems. Sometimes I request them multiple times just to get the point across so there is no confusion on wither I need one or not...
well I just received an e-mail back from Ken at Sealife Inc. He claims that the reason they don't put heat packs in the box is because sometimes when the packages leave his shop they may sit in florida for a day before heading to their destination, and he calims there is a chance of cooking the rics.
My biggest complaint is that he shipped them via regular mail instead of FedEx or UPS. when the mail man delivered my package he left it in the mail box. Well seeing as how the mail man comes around noon, and I had know idea they were coming this way, I did'nt go out to the mail box until around 6 P.M. So thats 6 hours sitting out in 25 degree tmperatures! Of course the rics have since died.
Ken has stated that he will either send me new rics, give me credit towards my next order, or as he suggests "take a refund a suggests not to order any rics from Florida since i live in a cold weather state":confused: :mad:
How much did you pay for shipping?

The heat pack thing doesn't make sense. They probably would of made it if it had a heat pack and if you knew they would be placed in the mailbox.
Kinda sounds like he is getting tired of people coming back on him for shipping loss's. I don't see how they would sit a day if you paid overnight shipping even for USPS. I have had stuff shipped from many different locations in Florida and all have shipped within the 24hr period.......That kinda makes me a bit leery on his shipping if that is his excuse.....I would still request one anyway and those sites that don't say on them that they have them free I always offer to pay the $1-$3 extra just to make sure I get one. The few dollars is peanuts to the money shoveled out for the coral and making sure they are safe is main concern and should be for him as well......Peronally I would make him ship new ones and add a heat pack if they cook then they cook, I highly dobt they will as I am sure you do too.....
Sorry to hear about your problem. Getting DOA livestock is a pain.

When you order from Ken at Sea Life, certain items, like rics, are hardy enough to be shipped 2-3 day USPS Priority mail. You do get a choice though when ordering of upgrading to overnight, which would seem to make sense if you live in the north and are experiencing frigid temps.

We ordered from Ken just last week and went with USPS as we knew we would be home to receive the mail. Temps here in Nashville have been in the 30-40 degree range so I wanted to make sure the mailman did not leave them on porch.

As seems to be the norm with Ken, we ordered 4 but received a total of six heads with multiple mouths. All are doing fine and we will be ordering from him again.
I have ordered twice form Ken at and both times everything survived even though the water was in fact freezing!!!
Hey Lance I will post pics that you asked for here in your thread so we don't hijack the other thread......

Here is the yellow that turned greenish on me, that was sold to me as a true yellow.....

Now it looks just like this one, kinda yellow but green too....

I think I deleted the pic of the true yellow I had or it is on my other hard drive that crashed and I haven't tried to slave it yet......But those are the ones I was tlaking about....
It's more like a really bright Fluorescent orange then red.....I got the orange one from you tried I had Chad hand pick me a bunch to choose from. I could have gotten the 10for $100 or something like that but instead I told him I wanted him to pick out some of his best and that is what I choose from. It cost me a bit more but I got some real sweet ones that I might not have gotten cause he would have sold them singly on the site or eBay.
I haven't tried them but I'm thinking about maybe the 50 for $450 from I've already ordered from sealife-inc and they where nice and I just ordered from and those should be in on wednesday.

I just tried searching for but can't find it. Did they start a new website or what?
Ah I see what happened. I copy'n'pasted what you had and it was misspelled. reefgardner instead of reefgardener.

They have some nice rics. Most of them are orange/blue.