My RBTA anemone closes as soon as I go to frag it


I have watched a bunch of videos but once I remove the anemone from

the tank it closes up on me... to the extent I cannot find the mouth.

It's a RBTA appox 3 inches in diameter and healthy?

What's the trick?

Thanx in advance as always

from what I understand it is very bad to frag anemones! Keep feeding it every other day with fresh clams or scallops and it will spilt on its own. I have had all of my anemones split once they are fed daily or every other day. If you don't want them to split anymore then you just feed once a month or so. Cutting an anemone's foot is like a death sentence for it. I know the videos are on youtube, but don't believe everything you see, most of those nems die after a few days because of injuries to the foot.

Just my .02 cents
from what I understand it is very bad to frag anemones!

Cutting an anemone's foot is like a death sentence for it. I know the videos are on youtube, but don't believe everything you see, most of those nems die after a few days because of injuries to the foot.

On what are you basing this evidence-free rant? "Most" anemones in the YouTube videos don't die and I'd be surprised if even one of them did. You literally made it up for no good reason, and promoting ignorance with falsehoods doesn't help anyone.

OP, all anemones will close up to some extent when you take them out of the water, there are a lot of YouTube videos that show them being fragged while closed but in general if you cut straight down the middle you're good. It helps if you feed them well for a week or two before you frag.
. Help me slice my healthy beautiful anemone in half someone, please. I can't figure out where the mouth is when it closes. :lmao:
Done it a bunch of times and never had a loss. Look at your bta's mouth at the point of where you take it out of the water. It will become a blob when you take it out but at least you should have a very rough idea what the mouth will look like. Most likely you will be a bit timid since you've not done it before and the tentacles will be covering the mouth. Just move the tentacles aside with your finger so you see the mouth. It's important that you use a sharp razor and that when you cut make sure the Mouth is positioned over the foot. In other words you don't want one half with a huge portion of the foot and the other with a barely anything. Since you can't see the see the bottom when you're cutting you have to approximate it. I put both halves back in the same tank but in a separate container with holes. I've tried just placing it back in the main tank but had some fish pick on it... I've never added extra iodine to it along.
just feed it dude, it will split on its own. mine just split and ive ony had it for 3 weeks, p.s i think 3 inchs is way to small to split, but if you feed it once a week it will use the extra energy to split
just feed it dude, it will split on its own. mine just split and ive ony had it for 3 weeks, p.s i think 3 inchs is way to small to split, but if you feed it once a week it will use the extra energy to split

Once a week? Not acurate.. sure yours might have split but that by no means is a rule of thumb I know many others including myself who have never had their rbta split and we feed daily or bi-daily.
Each bta is different and would prefer to split for different reasons.
I once cut the head off of the foot. The head portion never recovered but the foot did. In any case, it was the wrong method. See the previously referenced videos for how to split them down the center line with success.
Feed them and pour your water change right on top of them. They will split on their own. It's a survival thing. If they think the water quality is changing they will go two different directions.
It is all about how you feel as a hobbyist. For some propagating Anemones is not a problem, and I am not one to argue. That being said I agree with the other gentlemen here that you should feed your Anemones and let them split naturally. I feed some high end rainbows, and they split on their own frequently. Good luck with whichever route you go.
Let it grow...get happy and split on her own. It's rewarding when it's not forced...either means she's happy or ****, flow along with some patience and target feeding go a long way...I started with have 6....I'm at a point I need to give some away when they end up moving! Lol