Premium Member
This has certainly gone "next level." :0) I'm eager to see how the ports are going to work. Really great attention to detail. It will look so clean and hopefully make things easier for you as well. I have been trying to figure out a good way to do something similar on my own system... so I don't need to feed wires through the wall. Just a problem if I have to make a change, etc.
Hey Jimmy,
Found your build thread. As usual, your going all in. I see you've taken time to plan it all out. Things are looking good.
So whens the estimated "WET" date?
Hiding the Apex cables in the wall takes this to a new level of build. I'm glad you're planning ahead a little with extra cables you don't have a need for immediately.
Have you considered running a conduit of some sort to the various corners of the room? Something you could fish data cables through in the future as needed?
I ended up just using cable raceway outside of the walls because the design changed 10 times before I was done. This is a far cleaner install.
Maybe consider putting the water lines below the electric outlets??
I actually have had one of them fail on me. It was a 3/8" push fitting and the end of it just blew out of the housing completely. Luckily I was home and could hear the water spraying all over my utility room when I came downstairs. Everyone I told was surprised at the failure but it definitely DOES happen so good on you for not putting those IN the wall.
What kind of exhaust fan did you buy? I assume it is triggered by a humidity set point?
What's a good humidity level for an equipment room? How often to you think this will kick on?