My Shark Pics

What about the second pic? Any idea what was wrong with that particular shark? Nice pics btw! Would love to do something like that!

I a little confused about the second picture too, but I think it's just chewing on some food.
The second pic is of a shark called Joker. She has been coming to the feeds for many years. Her jaw is like that because when she was young, she was caught by fishermen who yanked the hook out of her mouth and that broke her jaw. Her mouth healed that way and is perfectly fine despite the injury.
Wow that is very cool. Those are some great pictures by the way. Looks like a crazy dive with that many sharks so close.
Great camera shots and lighting. Excellent pics, very exciting. I was actually in Stuart Cove about 3 weeks ago with my kid & we went snorkeling out of there. It was a beautiful little cove, very lush and picturesque. The Bahamas are incredible, seen a barracuda, reef sharks, moray eel, and an equal highlight was seeing my 1st wild queen angel~ I will definitely scuba next time.