my solana build

Looking good! Thoughts on livestock for this setup?

Here is my original thought on stock list.....

Mixed reef with...
Pair of clowns. Not sure about what kind.
Fire fish
6 line wrasse
Midas blennies or bicolor blenny...or both
3 or 5 sexy shrimp
Cleaner shrimp
Pom Pom crab.

any thought or suggestions?
Here is my original thought on stock list.....

Mixed reef with...
Pair of clowns. Not sure about what kind.
Fire fish
6 line wrasse
Midas blennies or bicolor blenny...or both
3 or 5 sexy shrimp
Cleaner shrimp
Pom Pom crab.

any thought or suggestions?

figure out a cover of some sort. Fire fish are jumpers!