My tank at two years old.

Your tank is fantastic, and the way it blends with your sunroom is spectacular. My wife and I want to build a sunroom and I envision a tank very similar to yours.
Wow. That's a beast. And I want one.

Can you show a pic of the sumps etc? I'm seriously considering doing a 96" plywood.

What are you using for flow? In the vid you mention your powerheads, but I did t really see them. Closed loop? Please fill us in.
Ah yes! I remember this gem!
I though it was older..
Your tank and its location are just simply awesome.
Wow. That's a beast. And I want one.

Can you show a pic of the sumps etc? I'm seriously considering doing a 96" plywood.

What are you using for flow? In the vid you mention your powerheads, but I did t really see them. Closed loop? Please fill us in.

I love it when people can't see the powerheads. There are 3 Tunzes and one Rossmount. I can't remember the model numbers off the top of my head but the flow is 3000-3500 gal/hr
I couldn't figure out if the head on the right was someone sitting down in the corner ominously.

I remember this tank, I also thought it had been more than two years for some reason. Beautiful!
I couldn't figure out if the head on the right was someone sitting down in the corner ominously.

I remember this tank, I also thought it had been more than two years for some reason. Beautiful!

It is my second tank in this location. The previous tank had some issues with the seams deteriorating. I started over two years ago with this one.
I also like your crystal ball on the coffee table.
When you are sitting on the couch, with the dogs and its in the lower left of the image, it's a neat inverted mini version of the tank..