My Tank Thread (Take3) ★Total AUTOMATION★ DIY Doser, Sump, AlgaeScrubber, WaterChnges

What I am saying is to dose JUST enough esv to ONLY maintain 6.5- the current value. NOT enough to raisit to 7..

-Just enough to maintain 6.5-

Once you have established the amount to maintain 6.5 and it has stayed there for a couple weeks, then you can consider raising to 7 over the course of another couple weeks.

Exactly what I thought you were saying.
I may drop a tiny bit as I start with 1.0ml A/B, and it's not enough, so I increase to 1.5ml, 1.75, etc, etc, I'll eventually overshoot just a tiny bit, and be back to 6.5, or close.
Then when I can keep ALk=6.5 for a while (learning how consumption increases, to keep up), consider a gradual Dose Increase to work my way up to 7.0.
That way I'm in control, and understand the Gauges, and Dials.

I just setup 1.0ml Daily on Doser.

Since too much at stake right now. Can't afford any Fat Finger mistakes during Dosing Setup/Tuning.

I'll be Doser dosing to the Bottles, and manually dosing Tank.
If anything goes wrong, I'll notice. Even if A/B Bottles dump all, the bin will contain any overdose.

BTW. It's a weird feeling.
Not used to this since it has never happened before.
Buy a coral from a healthy system, and little later (In my Tank)
It looks better.


Man, it's really starting to GLOW "Yellow". Wasn't this way earlier. Really bright!!

It's always been in past purchases "gradually worse over time"

I can certainly get used to this new way.
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THERE Is a Creature (IN SPS Plug) Daily Spider Web (Should I be concerned)

I noticed this over last while.
At first I thought a hair got caught on plug.
Or some loose Floss got into my system.

I used thongs and pulled out the string thing.
Came back.
Pulled out again.
Keeps coming back.


It's like there is a living creature in the putty around the Frag plug.
It's secreting a stringy mucus. It's not tentacles since string doesn't retract.

It's is dangerous? Harmful.
Should I yank the plug scrub it and put back?

I googled and found this on the Listing Thread.


I think I should Yank it. (Can't be beneficial. May Reproduce!! Looks awful, and bugs me)
Wonder What I look for. A tube or something.

Maybe just dip in ReVive.
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Yes, yank it and crack off the worm.
When these guys are happy, they reproduce and can really irritate sps corals.
You need the make sure you remove the worm.
Putting glue over the worm’s hole will only make it create a new hole.
Not an emergency but definitely remove him.
Yes, yank it and crack off the worm.
When these guys are happy, they reproduce and can really irritate sps corals.
You need the make sure you remove the worm.
Putting glue over the worm's hole will only make it create a new hole.
Not an emergency but definitely remove him.

I removed the plug.


Found the Cocoon growing on it.
Pulled it off. Scraped the whole plug clean.
Removed any remaining old putty under plug off rock.
Dipped Coral in Revive for 2 minutes.
Glue Frag back into tank.
I believe refractometers (see true type) are suppose to be calibrated with 0ppm solution and 35ppm solution is there just to see how precise your refractometer is at 35ppm, you shouldn't be making any adjustments to it after 0ppm calibration instead you have to make correction chart with error value you read from it if it was different then 35 and then apply it to your other measurements.
With that said it doesn't matter what your refractometer really reads as long as you know your correction for it. ....

You got that right.

I did some experimenting since I have that Precision Hydrometer for a brief time.

This is overkill, but I like precision.

-> Mixed up Salt Water to Exactly 1.0250 @ 25 deg C.
-> Took Specs for future Water mixes (# Grams , Water Level Mark on mixing Bin)
---> Learned that it's pretty fine work. (Final Adjustments were at cup level for final perfection)

-> Found that that Calibrating with 0 or 35ppt is still a bit off (when I measured 1.0250 Mix)
-> Calibrated my Refractometer to 1.0250 (not 0 or 35)
-> And made myself a Bottle of 1.0250 Calibration solution :)


Even if I lose or break my Refractometer, I can mix up a pretty close bucket of 1.025 Topic Marin PRO Salt.
Which should last me for 5 months (@ 2 5Gal WC's a week)

Now onward. I'm working on ALK/CALC dosing next. Getting pretty close to understanding that too.
Wally, just to let you know, I walk downstairs EVERY SINGLE DAY with trepidation, expecting total disaster in my tank.

I now know how you feel.

When I wake up each morning, I run downstairs to check on the SPS tank.

Then I get dressed :)

Things are look good. Very good (Everywhere). So Far!
How is/was alk today?
I'll give you all the details on ALK/Calcium. Don't want to give guesses.
I'll explain shortly.
Been working hard, on analysis. Will confirm results tonight, since I want to understand things on a 24 hour period (and same time of measurements).
Don't worry, I am being very VERY careful for ALK stability.

At this point I am confident for next Water Change.
Another (Different Creature) Looks like Bristle worm (but a probing Tentacle)

Yeah, I stare (Intensely) at my tank while at my desk a lot Examing EVEYRTHING for changes, (either good or bad)

So I notice these two tentacles coming out of a crevice in the Plating Monti.
Picture is of one tentacle.


The tentacles look like you typical Bristle worm, but there are two of them.
Reaching around. Coming in and out.
Looks more intelligent arm movements than a dumb bristle worm. (Bristle worm kind of crawl. This is an arm that touches around, poke and prods. Curls up, and retreats)

My Kitchen tank has all kinds of critters, and never was a concern.

I can to be safe (remove this loose rock) and dip it in Revive.
It would take a lot of revive since rock is about 12"

Maybe I should make up a Revive Bath Bucket, and not throw out the liquid. Heat when I need to treat.

Should I be concerned?
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Not a concern, necessarily. It looks like a mini serpent starfish.
Where there is one, there are usually more. They are harmless scavengers, generally.
I have heard stories of people having massive populations of them which become a problem. But I’ve never experienced that first hand... personally, I’d leave it alone.
What I am saying is to dose JUST enough esv to ONLY maintain 6.5- the current value. NOT enough to raisit to 7..

-Just enough to maintain 6.5-

Once you have established the amount to maintain 6.5 and it has stayed there for a couple weeks, then you can consider raising to 7 over the course of another couple weeks.


can you explain why in this case it is better to try and mantain 6.5 and not try to raise it to 7.0?

generally when we see a decrease we try to correct it, but in this case you have aproached a different strategy??


can you explain why in this case it is better to try and mantain 6.5 and not try to raise it to 7.0?

generally when we see a decrease we try to correct it, but in this case you have aproached a different strategy??

Hey Sensei,
I’m only trying to avoid the yo-yo ing of the alk..
Because it dropped to 6.5 from around 7.3, when the frags went in, my intention was to avoid any more swings.. correcting upwards would have forced the corals deal with the sudden drop and then an immediate increase. Holding at 6.5 allows the corals to simply deal with the current conditions instead of having to deal with the drop AND an increase..
Once Wally has stabilized at the new alk, kept it there for a few weeks, the intention is to gradually bring it back up over another few weeks..
If Wally’s tank had been at 8 and dropped to say 7.4, I would have said the same thing- try to hold 7.4..
Same if his tank had been at 6.5 and dropped to 6..
So, in the short term, the actually level isn’t too important (assuming it isn’t dangerously low or high), stability is important.. once things are stabilized and under control, then long term actions can be taken to correct to the desired alk.

Now, it could be argued that doing an immediate alk increase, back to 7.3, where it was when the corals went in, is a better idea or just as good and maybe that is true. But without knowing exactly how much buffer to add, one could over dose by accident.. my method simply avoids any possible extra swings in alk.. just leans towards immediate stabilizing at current conditions
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ALK (Analysis / Dosing Two-PART ) Stability PLAN

So here is what I did, and where things stand.

When ALK dropped from 7.3 to 6.5 (which I didn't expect), I was caught off guard.
I didn't have my Spiritual Advisor Matt around at Midnight so I had to made a decision myself.

Based on the following facts:

1) SPS Tank was running at ALK=7.7 Prior to Reset Water Change
2) SPS Tank was at ALK=7.3 After Water change
3) NEW 777 Frags came from ALK=7.7 system (I kept Frag Water)
4) ** If I dosed once a day there would be ALK swing anyway **

So I decided I would restore ALK=7.0 (Kind of half way between 6.5 & 7.3) also nice on Salifert test kit (perfect Drop)

How I did my analysis and ALK Restore:

-> I made assumption that I could make some errors, and accuracy of tests.
-> I wanted to ensure that everything would be Gradual, and ensure I DID NOT Overshoot ALK over 7.0.

-> My fact point was ALK dropped from 7.3 to 6.5 over 48 hours

1) Using the Reef Chemistry Calculator I got an estimate on how my ESV two Part I would need.
2) I chose 1/2 the amount needed
3) 1 chose 1/2 the 1/2 = 1/4 as a starting point
4a) Each Manual dose (Both Two Parts) was allow to run into the system for 4 hours and then I would test before next dose
4b) I watch PH since Probe (Swing was never more than 0.01)
5) Last dose that got me to ALK=7.0 was 1/8 dose (That I soaked overnight)


-> DAILY DOSING appeared to be 10 ml A/B a day

VALIDATION (Yesterday):

-> To be safe I decided to try 7ml, not 10ml as a First Dose Trial
-> I broke the 7ml dose into 3 Parts (3ml, 2ml, 1ml, 1ml)

-> I didn't start dosing till I watched ALK for 12 hours
-> Observation was ALK doesn't drop till after Photo Period (ALK drop from 7.0 to 6.8)
-> I then did each of 4 small Doses, 2 hours apart measuring ALK each time
-> Alk reached the TARGET=7.0
-> This morning ALK was same 7.0

-> I will continue the Manual alk dosing 7ml/day = ( 2ml, 2ml, 2ml=6ml/7ml) (Will add last 1ml if needed)
-> Manual Dosing [Doser to Bottle, and Bottle to Tank] (Rinsing Bottle so all Solution is added as such small quatities)

-> Once validated 100%, I will break full daily dose (Approx 7ml) into 1ml doses (every few hours)
-> I can dose anytime, any amount with my DIY Doser
- (OPTION A) --------> So may pick LOW PH time (0.5ml x12) (Midnight to 6am)
- (OPTION B) --------> Just before Consumption Time (which appears to be When MAIN Lights (MH) come on 3pm-9pm)
- (OPTION C) --------> Or can dose evenly 24 doses ( 0.25 ml once a hour)
- (OPTION D) --------> Other

-> SPS TANK (Parameters ) CURRENT
------------->> ALK=7.0
------------->> CALC=435
------------->> MAG=1450

------> Tropic Marin Pro (New Bucket)
------------->> ALK=8.5
------------->> CALC=440
------------->> MAG=1350
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ALK (Analysis / Dosing Two-PART ) Stability PLAN

So here is what I did, and where things stand.

When ALK dropped from 7.3 to 6.5 (which I didn't expect), I was caught off guard.
I didn't have my Spiritual Advisor Matt around at Midnight so I had to made a decision myself.

Based on the following facts:

1) SPS Tank was running at ALK=7.7 Prior to Reset Water Change
2) SPS Tank was at ALK=7.3 After Water change
3) NEW 777 Frags came from ALK=7.7 system (I kept Frag Water)
4) ** If I dosed once a day there would be ALK swing anyway **

So I decided I would restore ALK=7.0 (Kind of half way between 6.5 & 7.3) also nice on Salifert test kit (perfect Drop)

How I did my analysis and ALK Restore:

-> I made assumption that I could make some errors, and accuracy of tests.
-> I wanted to ensure that everything would be Gradual, and ensure I DID NOT Overshoot ALK over 7.0.

-> My fact point was ALK dropped from 7.3 to 6.5 over 48 hours

1) Using the Reef Chemistry Calculator I got an estimate on how my ESV two Part I would need.
2) I chose 1/2 the amount needed
3) 1 chose 1/2 the 1/2 = 1/4 as a starting point
4a) Each Manual dose (Both Two Parts) was allow to run into the system for 4 hours and then I would test before next dose
4b) I watch PH since Probe (Swing was never more than 0.01)
5) Last dose that got me to ALK=7.0 was 1/8 dose (That I soaked overnight)


-> DAILY DOSING appeared to be 10 ml A/B a day

VALIDATION (Yesterday):

-> To be safe I decided to try 7ml, not 10ml as a First Dose Trial
-> I broke the 7ml dose into 3 Parts (3ml, 2ml, 1ml, 1ml)

-> I didn't start dosing till I watched ALK for 12 hours
-> Observation was ALK doesn't drop till after Photo Period (ALK drop from 7.0 to 6.8)
-> I then did each of 4 small Doses, 2 hours apart measuring ALK each time
-> Alk reached the TARGET=7.0
-> This morning ALK was same 7.0

-> I will continue the Manual alk dosing 7ml/day = ( 2ml, 2ml, 1ml)
-> Manual Dosing [Doser to Bottle, and Bottle to Tank] (Rinsing Bottle so all Solution is added as such small quatities)

-> Once validated 100%, I will break full daily dose into 1ml doses (every few hours)
-> I can dose anytime, any amount with my DIY Doser
---------> So may pick LOW PH time
---------> Just before Consumption Time when Lights come on)
---------> Or can do evenly 24 doses (once a hour)

-> SPS TANK (Parameters ) CURRENT
------------->> ALK=7.0
------------->> CALC=435
------------->> MAG=1450

------> Tropic Marin Pro (New Bucket)
------------->> ALK=8.5
------------->> CALC=440
------------->> MAG=1350

Nice job, Wally! Very impressive!!
Love it. :thumbsup:
I'd suggest small regular doses as opposed to low ph times.. it's really splitting hairs with the quantities we are talking about but I think small regular maintenance is always better..