My Tank Thread (Take3) ★Total AUTOMATION★ DIY Doser, Sump, AlgaeScrubber, WaterChnges

I am leaving main gyre circulation alone. It got me into trouble last time, but that could have been weak corals.

So what I did is I have turned up return flow a bit. (Nothing drastic). It runs the sea swirl flow is always on the move. No direct laminar flow since it bounces off the glass. Plus extra flow will reach the left side or tank better to sweep the tuninaria, which loves the new higher perch spot.

BONUS is I wanted to turn return up anyways since more flow means more flow thru algae scrubber, so a win win.
Looks like a bare patch of skeleton with some algae growing there. Pretty harmless.
Give it a week or so. If it’s still there, you could gently brush it with a toothbrush or something.
I waited and noticed the Polyp was pushing away the bit of Brown Alage stuck on the Tip.
When I used the Syringe water jet to clean off the other Frag, I also gave this guy a tiny squirt of water, and it just flew off.


All good now!!

Actually all the corals are good, then only issue is the Forest Fire Digi is kind of half/half (Half good/but half not so good). Not much I can do but continue to watch (and hope)

It think buy tomorrow I'll have ALK nailed at 7.0. I think part of the reason I'm playing catch up (On Stable Daily Dosing Amount) is consumption is slightly increasing.
Once I'm stable, I'll (tiny bit go over, and let alk creep up slowly to the Target 7.5).
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WATER TESTS (7.0 ALk Stability Achieved 24hrs) Some Fine Adjustment over Long Term Needed

Finally ALK has stayed at 7.0 without any Dosing adjustments for 24/hours. In a few Day's I'll bump Dosing to move to 7.5 Slowly.


Scratching my Head on Why CALCIUM is So High=485 (tested twice and same result) While ago it was 445.
The Tropic Marin Salt has ALK=8.5 and CALC=440.

Not sure if I should reduce PART B on dosing till CALC it drops. (Even though 2 Part is suppose to be dosed Equally)
Best to keep doing Water Changes and it should come down.
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Anyone want a ALAGE POPSICLE) ? [ ATS Update 1-Month ]

After some tuning (18 Hour Photo Period), I checked on Scrubber after a week.


I didn't pull out the MAIN SCREENS (There is a GOOD Harvest accumulating).

I pulled out the Virgin Primed Screen. (It's nicely seeded and maturing)

And interestingly, the Airline that I don't use anymore (counter-productive with CO2), continued to grow Macro as Shown in PREVIOUS Photo. (QUITE A LARGE BALL/CLUMP of Thick MACRO ALGAE)

This is interesting. Since HARVEST on the ALGAE POPSICLE can be Easy.
I just pull it out, trim with Scisors and put put back for next round.

Maybe I should seed a few more popsicle and Skip the Screens which are much harder to clean and remove.

We'll see later.
Things are getting (EXTREMELY BORING) with SPS Tank

-> Water CHANGES (Regular 5% twice a week Routine Established)

-> TANK Water Parameters STABLE

------> ALK At 7.0 (slow rise to 7.5 in progress)
------> Salinity (Ideal at 1.0250. Perfect Calibration. New Probe Installed / Airline Welded Sealed)
------> N & P (At reasonable Levels)
-> Algae Scrubber Working (Good for N & P Control)

-> Lighting (PARS measured, New MH Bulbs on the way)

-> Circulation (On the Safe Side for now)

-> PH Levels Good & STABLE (Major Fix Found)

-> All Corals Healthly (Like Never Before)
(I tried counting Polyps daily, but have enough. Maybe only on the Forest Fire.)

Even the Little bit of CYANO is disappearing, so I have NOTHING TO DO anymore!!

I don't miss the excitement. (Not one Bit)

I sparked up my Commodore Amiga and will stick my head in there for a while.
Should I move this Coral to a Real High Flow Spot???


It seems to be a Brown Algae String Magnet. Never seen that before.
It's not bleaching and then dead skeleton building up Algae.

I dust it off a few times a day with syringe (Looks great) and the stringy algae keeps coming back a couple hours later..

Even if it has to die (MAYBE DEAD ALREADY), just put right near Sea Swirl Spout, so it gets AUTO dusted every few minutes?
Things are getting (EXTREMELY BORING) with SPS Tank

-> Water CHANGES (Regular 5% twice a week Routine Established)

-> TANK Water Parameters STABLE

------> ALK At 7.0 (slow rise to 7.5 in progress)
------> Salinity (Ideal at 1.0250. Perfect Calibration. New Probe Installed / Airline Welded Sealed)
------> N & P (At reasonable Levels)
-> Algae Scrubber Working (Good for N & P Control)

-> Lighting (PARS measured, New MH Bulbs on the way)

-> Circulation (On the Safe Side for now)

-> PH Levels Good & STABLE (Major Fix Found)

-> All Corals Healthly (Like Never Before)
(I tried counting Polyps daily, but have enough. Maybe only on the Forest Fire.)

Even the Little bit of CYANO is disappearing, so I have NOTHING TO DO anymore!!

I don't miss the excitement. (Not one Bit)

I sparked up my Commodore Amiga and will stick my head in there for a while.

:thumbsup: perfect!

Should I move this Coral to a Real High Flow Spot???


It seems to be a Brown Algae String Magnet. Never seen that before.
It's not bleaching and then dead skeleton building up Algae.

I dust it off a few times a day with syringe (Looks great) and the stringy algae keeps coming back a couple hours later..

Even if it has to die (MAYBE DEAD ALREADY), just put right near Sea Swirl Spout, so it gets AUTO dusted every few minutes?
Good idea. Nothing to lose.
:thumbsup: perfect!

Good idea. Nothing to lose.

Yeah, nothing to loose, except this needless worry.
It's one of the $7.77 Frags.

Can you say "Sea Swirl Frag Sweeper" FIVE TIMES FAST :)


I don't care about this Frag. It will be blasted with a LOT more PARS up there.

Pardon the crappy photo, using basic camera.
Son is doing a PhotoGraphy Course in Grade 11.
Tomorrow they start SLR camera's and he has my Camera for a while
I know. (There really was no other place).

But sorry to say, no Stumbers allowed in this tank anymore.
I want peace, to step away from watching this tank anymore.

Maybe I should give it a chance in Frag Tank. But it's not ready yet.
I am cycling it with all the Water changes from SPS tank.
In about a week or two it will match the DT.

For $7.77 Let see what happens. It's could be a Super Light/Super Circulation Lover. DOUBT IT.
The picture ANGLE is deceiving. It's only 1 1/2"-2" higher than the Frag on the right.
But it's certainly NOT dead. In Light is shows skin tecture. In Blue Actinic it glows all GREEN and Bright.
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I tested the FRAG tank and ALK is exactly 7.0.
So today's 5% DT change, which is 25% FT change got things synced.

Why waste that perfectly good Frag.

Perfect to test FRAG TANK. (With something Semi Healthy). Those FRAGS in there are past point of return.


It would be dead tomorrow once MH Light came on.

Here is has a chance to prove itself.

It will also raise my confidence in Frag Tank if it Makes it.
FRAG TANK (Ready For Frags)

I didn't Expect Frag TANK ALK to match DT.....But since it did...
I tested all Water Params for Frag Tank.


Cowrie is munching on Nori every night.
Even open to some Extra Nutrients like (Reef Roids once a WEEK)

It is nicely matured, Coraline coverage, and Algae Free thanks to Cowrie.

That Frag should do as best as it possibly can.
Let's TRY CDX (C02 Scrubber) in FRAG TANK (PH bit Low)

I would NEVER DARE do this in SPS TANK.

But Frag tank is GAME.

PH is a bit LOW, so before I run another Fresh Air Line, I'm going to try the CDX (Lime Soda) Method.


The CDX stuff changes colors when it's Expired, so wonder at $20 a CAN how long this stuff lasts. (I only used a PORTION)

To make it more effective, I have a valve that can control how much of the SCRUBBER AIR I past into Skimmer (Extend CDX LIFE)

Tank is stunning! Nice build!
Thanks. Appreciate the compliment.

A few weeks ago the whole Idea/Build felt like a complete and utter failure.
Glad things are turning around with the Kinks/Bugs worked out.
The good thing in all this, is I'm more prepared for the future (I hope).
FRAG TANK (PH Update) 4 hours after CDX (Lime Soda) CO2 Scrubber

Too soon to draw any conclusions. Will watch over next 24 hours then days.

But 4 hours later PH has increased 0.12, and continues to rise.


My estimate is I am drawing LESS THAN 10% thru of the CO2 Scrubber. (I tested the Reactor Chamber input (with a lighter flame) and it barely flickers).
Most of the Air going into Skimmer is House Air.
MACRO Photography (Cheap Extension Tube) Trial


We discussed this before. I had a limited on my Focal Length of by 18-55mm Lense.

I was thinking a new Macro Lense, but good one's are not cheap. Store let me try one, and wasn't impressed.

So I got these Macro Extension Tubes to Try. (These are decent ones, but you can get plastic for like $20).

They used your existing lense, but brings your Focal Length Closer.

I only tried one RING and it's impressive. I can put camera almost up to Glass.


One RING example.


The picture on the LEFT is as CLOSE I could get (FOCUSED)
And the MAX I could do Digital Zoom in 19 Mpix (Without Pixelization/GRAIN)

The picture on right is ONE Extender RING (Can't imagine what 2 or 3 will do)
FRAG (move to FRAG TANK) Photo Using Macro Extender

One more example. Still working on Depth of Field other Camera Setting.


Interesting to see that that Frag that was getting covered with Stringy Algae, isn't having problem in Frag TANK. (Conditions are Pristine for Water clarity)

Will watch it. FRAG Tank could be a hospital/Sanctuary of a sort.
Good news so far is FRAG tank isn't the Killer it originally was.