My Tank Thread (Take3) ★Total AUTOMATION★ DIY Doser, Sump, AlgaeScrubber, WaterChnges

I think moving things around is a mistake..
Don’t open that door.
Most of the corals look very good.
No harm in raising your lights, though.
The near dead one has been moved and moved again.
Agreed that millie doesn’t look fantastic and some older shots ed is referring to aren’t great but your recent shots show some generally happy corals.
I’d keep to minimal adjustments, Wally
I think that that millie shot is slightly overexposed and contributing to the paleness look.
Just trying to keep your hands out of the tank, Wally..

Just to be clear, the near dead one (with Algae) was only moved once. Into Frag tank. (doing better, no algae)

And the Overexposed Millie (I see bleaching from Bottom at back facing lights),
I won't move out of DT. It's looks pretty bad at back. (Never noticed till just now)
It's right dead center underneath the MH bulb, so I'll move it across the rack to the far right-OR-left, Away from MH bulb.

I don't think I need to raise lights since they are at Good PARS (300-350 Mid Tank), and DT Frag Rack is Below Mid Level
When new MH Bulbs arrive, I'll raise the Fixture a bit (After comparing PARS with Quantum Meter)
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I forget, are you just past the one week mark for the new bunch of frags?
I would hope to start seeing some encrusting by next weekend.. not tomoww..
I forget, are you just past the one week mark for the new bunch of frags?
I would hope to start seeing some encrusting by next weekend.. not tomoww..

I wait patiently.

Two Frags haven't gone well.
But when I check original ($7 bring home photos), those two came with problems from the start.

The rest show no problems. Not touched, and WON'T BE TOUCHED.

And NO WAY, am I bringing in anymore, till we have some progress (encrustment).
Quick UPDATE (All Good in DT)

-> Things look good for All FRAGS in DT
-> ALK creping close to 7.1
-> Algae Scrubber Working Well
-> Have Quantum Meter (New Bulbs arrive Monday)
-> That Millie of moved out of DT Bright Light has Darkend up a bit.

--->The Algae Cover FRAG that I moved into Frag Tank (BLEACHED) over two days.
Was it doomed or is FRAG tank not yet ready.

---> The other Split FRAG I moved into FT is doing fine (TOP right Photo Below).

I put in some Cheap but Healthy FRAGS into FRAG TANK (To test properly)

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FRAG TANK (CDX - Soda Lime) PH Stabilized [ After 4 Days ]

Took 4 days running the CO2 Scrubber on Frag Tank.

PH has stabilized at 8.1, which is Ideal. (No Risky Additives/Chemicals, just Oxygen thru Skimmer)


I also learned how that Color Indicator works on the CDX media.
It may turn purple/Violet right away, but that doesn't indicate FULLY Expired.
If you stop running CO2 Scrubber it goes back to white (as the inner pellet recovers to the Surface)

So when Expired, it will stay Violet (I'll find out).
SPS TANK (Shocking Improvement) 2nd Monti

I trashed that Monti a week ago, but I left the other Fragment From Same Colony alone.

Here was the 2nd Monti one month ago. Starting some recovery (But I expected it to Rot like the other).


I never paid attention to it since it was behind the FRONT FRAG RACK.
But I noticed the Bursting Colors shining thru, so I raised the Rack (To have a peek). I was shocked!!


The original piece never looked like this ever, over last 3 years.
It would get color, but NEVER ANY PE that I noticed.


Honestly, I never knew a Plating Monti's get PE, I thought they were all skeletal (I only had one).

And STRANGE, that it doesn't have a WHITE Growth EDGE, that I always expected in Past, and looked for.

I GUESS THIS TANK IS Doing Pretty good.
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I know. I KNOW!!


Trust me. I WON'T. [[[ Not a thing, not a single thing ]]

This is the most Encouraging Progress that I have experienced in the Last 3 years of this tank.
Quick UPDATE (All Good in DT)

-> Things look good for All FRAGS in DT
-> ALK creping close to 7.1
-> Algae Scrubber Working Well
-> Have Quantum Meter (New Bulbs arrive Monday)
-> That Millie of moved out of DT Bright Light has Darkend up a bit.

--->The Algae Cover FRAG that I moved into Frag Tank (BLEACHED) over two days.
Was it doomed or is FRAG tank not yet ready.

---> The other Split FRAG I moved into FT is doing fine (TOP right Photo Below).

I put in some Cheap but Healthy FRAGS into FRAG TANK (To test properly)

I think that frag with the slime growing on it was indeed a goner.
That sermantosa looks really nice and happy- the bottom pair of pics.. you can't go by the vendor "˜s photos for health evaluations, however, because like any good salesperson, they are trying to make their product look as good as possible... and sometimes maybe a tiny bit too good.. ;)
FRAG TANK (CDX - Soda Lime) PH Stabilized [ After 4 Days ]

Took 4 days running the CO2 Scrubber on Frag Tank.

PH has stabilized at 8.1, which is Ideal. (No Risky Additives/Chemicals, just Oxygen thru Skimmer)


I also learned how that Color Indicator works on the CDX media.
It may turn purple/Violet right away, but that doesn't indicate FULLY Expired.
If you stop running CO2 Scrubber it goes back to white (as the inner pellet recovers to the Surface)

So when Expired, it will stay Violet (I'll find out).

That's quite an amazing ph improvement. I'm very impressed by that product. Just wonder what the long term running costs would be.. I gues in some cases of really air tight homes, there is no alternative..

Wally, like has been mentioned, I'm really liking the results you are getting right now. Nice job so far!
I think that frag with the slime growing on it was indeed a goner.
Yup, it never showed any PE from the Start, while all others did.
1 bad out 13 for $7 Each Deal, is acceptable. GLAD it's gone, since I only like looking at the healthy ones.

That sermantosa looks really nice and happy- the bottom pair of pics.. you can’t go by the vendor ‘s photos for health evaluations, however, because like any good salesperson, they are trying to make their product look as good as possible... and sometimes maybe a tiny bit too good.. ;)
The right Side Bottom Picture is in my Frag Tank (Brought) home.
But it' looks so nice, I decided it will go into DT (Safer there)

That’s quite an amazing ph improvement. I’m very impressed by that product. Just wonder what the long term running costs would be.. I gues in some cases of really air tight homes, there is no alternative..
I agree, it's pricey and for folks in No Airline Option.
-> But If I draw OUTSIDE air thru it (Polishing Stage), it will;
----> (1) Last Longer since less CO2
----> (2) May boost PH (on fresh Air in DT) which my Fresh Air Appears to be limit PH=8.05
-----------> (Will run airline to Frag Tank[EASY: Just add a T-Connector] for this test (First Fresh Air only, then ADD Polish stage with CO2 Scrubber), NOT TOUCHING DT)
----> (3) A 1 Litre Can of Soda Lime cost $20, but you can get the Exact same stuff at much less costs (by the Gallon) since it's used by Scuba Divers for Extending Dive Time (Re-breathers).
Wally, like has been mentioned, I’m really liking the results you are getting right now. Nice job so far!
All in the right direction (BETTER). Absolute pleasure for me.
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:thumbsup:Things look good Wally

This ++

Good job on curbing your instincts to tinker.
Yes, I chewed off my nails holding back on Tinkering (especially dosing potions)
But honestly. I needed to tinker since things were not good.
When things are good, I let things be (like 15 year old Kitchen Tank).
Things are GOOD in SPS tank now. Whew!!
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Pre-Mature (New Frags), brought Home.

So I had to pick up my pre-purchased Frags, which I bought over a month ago.
Seller doesn't want to hold them anymore.

At least I feel a bit more confident with the DT.

Bags are Warming up in Sump.

Got some real show stoppers to add to rack.
Bit nervous.

All (4) going into DT on the Rack. Alk is around 7.2 so not too bad acclimatization from 7.5 Tank.

Will take photo's afterwards. Don't want to place into Tank while MH light on.

(( TOMORROW new MH Bulbs arrived. Wondering if I should install them or wait. Quantum meter will help make that decision ))
A Better (FRAG TANK vs DT ) Test [Matching Pair of Healthy Acros]

I originally planned to move some of the DT Frags into Frag Tank.
Don't want to touch them for a Long Time. Best they show what that DT can do to the variety (BASE SETTING)

Instead I got a MATCHING PAIR of (Deep Blue Spa Acros). Made up that name since no real name.


They are nice. I had one not so long ago, and I killed it during the instability.


There will be no doubts about which (hoping both) TANK is better.

But if once does better than other, I'll know which is better and Can Move the Special Frags to the Saver Haven.

** The real Nice Frags are coming out next **
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The LAST THREE FRAGS, are one's I always wanted (Never Had)

The are on the Rack and I'll get better picture later.

Can you find them?



One is has Green Tips, but the Photo Show's Yellow.

One kids of Blends into Rock behind so Hard to See.

The Last Frag is hard to give a Clue, but to me it's Darn Spectacular considering the small size.
(Photo doesn't give it Justice, but Sensei knows exactly what it looks like, since he got one too)
YUP, I'm taking a big risk here.

Putting all my Eggs in One Basket DT.

But I have 29 good reasons now to motivated me to NOT TOUCH or change anything.

30 if you count the Red Planet at the back that is healing/recovering very nicely.
