My top 5 Christmas wishlist

Rogger Castells

New member
I have a few things that I would have like this Christmas, I got none :( but I am still wishing :D

1. Automatic glass cleaner, cleans inside glass twice a day.

2. Kids & guest finger electric zapper, it zapps the guest and children when they touch the glass to point at things in the tank.

3. Wireless ph, orp, calcium, salinity, alkalinity and temperature monitor, all in one monitor screen that you can place next to you anywere in the house.

4. Automatic proteim skimmer cup cleaner.

5. Special cleaning crew, eats ALL detritus in the tank and converts them into calcium and other needed substances.
One would be a lifesaver, dirty glass is a petpeeve i have also.

those all sound fantastic, especially number 2, i wish i had a device that turns the glass into a one way mirror so i can block the view when people come over that i don't feel like discussing the tank with.(especially the ones that say wow a nemo)

number three is perfect for getting out of a lot of situations, you can be like "hold on i have a salinity crisis gotta go"

automatic protein skimmer cup cleaner, speaks for itself.

and the clean up crew to turn the bad to good would be awesome, like a construction crew that sweeps up the dirt and constructs new coral from it!!

great ideas, now we gotta turn em into reality
happy holidays
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8828487#post8828487 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nyvp
I think #3 should be built into a blackberry or a watch if you ask me

That is a great idea, although I think that already exist in a form of alarm alerts or something like that