My Twin 180 project

Agreed. Good equipment from the beginning is the way to go. Otherwise you will have to upgrade to what you should have got from the start a year (sometimes less) later.
You are not worried about nutrient levels since the tanks will be combined through the sump? Usually FO tanks have more feeding and higher nutrient levels in the water... and the SPS dont like that much. The BB will help of course. Or do you have some kind of "trick" or "surprise" for us all coming up soon to solve this? :D

Yes I have thought of that, actually I would rather have both tanks loaded in millies and torts but my wife loves the fish only species. Im banking on a large sump, somewhere around 100 gallon capacity, high flow, and a MRC4 recirc skimmer. Plus a built in fuge. I even have a euro reef and a asm skimmer lying around for extra filtration power if necessary, and I have a phosphate reactor.

Ill stick around with small fish, chromis, clowns, gobies. and just a couple tangs. The FOWL will have a juvie koran angel, a striped puffer thats about four inches in lenth that I have had about three years short ill keep the bio load down.
Moday Ill have like all 25 oak doors instaled, and possible the tanks placed on the stand if I can round up some help from my friends.

will post the blue prints of how the tanks were drilled.

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Finally got the doors installed, and got those heavy tanks in place!

simply amazing!!.. you have a very nice entertainment center thats for sure!!... i thought the 75 gallon with my 19" hdtv over it on the wall was nice :) lol its nothing compared to this but its in my room so its good enough for me.. but man when i get a house (im only 14 hehe) id love to have something like that

Thanks! Not bad 14 and have a 75 salt tank, and a HDTV, at that age I would have been lucky to get a black and with with a 20gallon. I have been saving and working on this project for well over a year.
nice.. yeah i worked all summer for my tank and built it all up myself and my tv i got for my birthday.. im very pleased with both... i just decided this summer i wanted to upgrade from my 50 and it was only 30 in width, mainly a cube.. i wanted a 48" tank.. a 125 which is 60" in width i believe would have just fit in my room but the extra cost for lighting and such was to much for i went with the 75.. ended up 1600 for the whole thing.. not to bad and i have learned alot.. i also didnt take any money out of my bank acount because i have enough saved up for the car in my avatar picture... also by doing work.. anyway i love building things and seeing the result.. just one reason im in this hobby :)

Cool! good luck with the tank.

The next step is having a custom built sump, all I have to do is draw up some plans and my reef club budy will make it happen. In the mean time Ill start some of the basic plumbing, such as the closed loops, chiller and the overflows.
wow, looks really good can't wait to see ir with water. i plan on doing something like this when i get a house of my own
I started some of the plumbing today. I have a total of 18 bulkhead fittings, some 1", 1.5"and 2". I have a question, just how snug do the bulkheads need to be? Is hand tight enough, or should I purchase a strap wrench? I sure don't want any leaks, but I dont want to crack the glass ither!
Sorry it has been a whyle since I last posted some progress.

this pic is the front view of the 180 tank 1(tank two is a mirror image) It shows the om 4way closed loop plumbing and three durso stand pipes( 1 1.5", and two 2"drains) one 1.5"return from a sequence 750 series pump. Each closed loop will be supplied from a sequence dart.

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This pic is the plumbing coming off the four discharge pots of the om 4 way. Im coming off a 2"suction, 1.5"discharge feeding the OM way and four 1"discharge lines feeding the tank.

This pic is a mess, I am still in the proces of plumbing six drain lines. Tow of which are 1.5" and four 1" drains for redundancy.

This is the center point under the stand where the two tanks butt up together. Just a shot of the ball valves of the return line and threee drains.
