My Twin 180 project


Thanks man, I wish that I had the skills to have done the cabnet stand my self, I hired the job done, since I wanted furnuture quality work.

It's not to hard to see the tv, our couch and love seat recline back, so its comfortable to watch.

Having a common sump will help, like you mentioned one of each just supersized. I will have a spare return pump since thats the most critical piece of equipment IMO.

My wife also loves the fish only species so thats why I went with the two 180 approach, actually it was cheaper to go with two 180s than one monster tank. My goal is to create the illusion thats it's all one large 12 foot tank. Both tanks will be set up for sps, so say sometime down the road I could have two sps tanks in the furture. Thanks agen for the kind words!
Scuba - exactly. supersize the equipment and get one of each. will allow you to have one skimmer but a big mother hummer. less money then buying 2 skimmers.

i can't wait to get a house and do that to mine :(

There nothing more beautiful when setting up a tank, then when you finaaly get to the point you can sit back and truely appreciate your hard work... And in your case that will be amazing... I can't wait to see it once you get the fish and corals in it.... Great work...

No new progress, been working overtime at the plant, need the extra dough to get some more equipment, about all I have done is consider what size sump I want to have built, Im leaning on a 125 to 150 gallon sump at the moment. Over the next few days ill finish up the large parrot cage I built, then Ill get started back up on the tank. Tomorrow Ill oreder some HDPE plastic for the substrate and six 20 amp power strips.

Once I have the sump built Ill finish up the return and drain plumbing, tie in the chiller and skimmer, then order a large chunk of live rock.

master_wise, thanks for the kind words...Im ready for this project to wind down, lol then catch up on the honey do's....
sounds like fun. i almost miss setting up a tank because it is always fun putting everything together IMO.

well anyhow keep us updated

lol ....honey do's... dang man and my tank is a honey doo for my girl... what a pita.. hahaa

as far as the steel stand idea, i came across an interesting idea the past couple of days.. everyone builds there wooden stands to support the tank on the very outside edge of the wood stand right?? well since my tanks have the 1" black trim around the outside then why the heck support the tank on the outside? use the inside edge and then you can have a nice 2.5" lip around the tank to put test kits on, food, ect. then you have a 22" clear inside, and i only have to rebuild the two side walls, lengthen them.

as far as using that on your set up well my idea only works for certain situations.. steel for the rest. thanks for the suggestion, i wonder how prices compare.. i never priced a steelie.
The only steel prices I am familar with is small stuff like 1/2 square tubing. 1/4" round bar, and 1" angle iron.

I built a 5 x 2.5 x 7 parrot aviary for around $450.00 including powder coating. using the small stuff mostly 16 gage mild steel. my mig welder will only weld up to 5/16ths. I did think about welding a steel stand, but chickend out since I have only been tinkering around with welding for a few months.
Hey scuba dog i figured id help you out and brush off all these darn cobwebs all over this thread - now you gotta bring it to life and post some pics man!! hope everything is going good for you.. i know its taken you a year to get to this point ~ it looks great soo far!
Very cool setup! Can't wait to see it with everything in it! One thing I did the second time I used OM is to put a value to drain the line when I need to take the OM offline and work on it. Here is a picture of what I did. With a 2" line you can hold ALOT of water that will go all over the floor if you have to undo both unions.


This has helped me already because the OM was not moving and making a clicking noise so I had to take it apart and hardly any water made it to the floor. I had almost 2 gallons of water in the line that I drained before I took it apart.
LOL Im sorry guys, too man irons in the fire. But I did finish the large parrot cage that I have been working on since may lol! Welded it out of mild carbon steel.

As far as progress on the twin 180 project,I know have in my possion six 20 amp power strips, that I need to wire in a power coard to. I bought a nice portable table saw so sump construction should begin soon.

But I did come acrost a problem, the 2" 90 pvc fitting on the suction side of the Om way and pump started a small leak, after its been leak free for a month now. Im debating on pulling the 90 and regluing or maybe gluing a patch to it.

Progress should be faster now that Im done with the parrot cage build, the sump is the only real hold up now. I also should be done with working overtime for the rest of the year and thus can concentrate on the tanks.
It has been a long time since I last posted.

Well i do have salt water recirculating through the tanks. And live rock is curing whyle the new system is cycling. Ill likly order 50 to 70 lbs of some tonga branch rock to add to the aqua scape.

When I get my home pc back up and running ill post some new photos!

So far everything works great, the chiller runs like a dream, the big becket was quite a bit of work with all the plumbing. overall the project was a massive plumbing experience. All that remains is to install some cooling fans, a top off tank, and hang the lights...
Finally. I was tapping on the monitor to make sure my computer was still working:) A 90+ day gap in posts usually mean bad things happened. Glad to hear your still moving forward and things are going well:D