My Twin 180 project

WOW...... thats like watching 3 tvs ( 2 with no commercials) That is going out and beyond. How long have you been planning this set up? AWESOME.........This is going to really be fun to follow. GOOD LUCK with everything:eek2: :D :rolleyes:
Thanks everyone! I will be working on plumbing in my spare time over the next few weeks. Hopefully by christmass it will be complete and have some fish enjoying the space.

jzdad I have been planing and saving for this project well over a year and a half.

The project started with breaking down my 75 reef and relocating live stock in some smaller tanks I have and other friends tanks. Then pulling the living room carpet and installing a marble floor, the next stage was having six 20 amp dedicated circuts. Then the stand construction. And now the plumbing. Hopefully soon Ill be ordering about 90lbs of marshall rock! To supliment the other live rock I have allready in the holding tanks.
WoW !!!!!only a year and a half, It seems more like several years to plan something like that. So keep up the good work . And when Christmas gets here you have your tanks running and have your list ready for gifts ( To finish stocking the twins) from family , friends and relatives so it will be a christmas to remember. And a Happy New Year!!!!!!!
Finally got both closed loops up and running, Leak Free~!

Here is a shot of one of the Om closed loops and some various plumbing, you will see some of the open ended drains as well.
Here is a shot of one of the tanks functing Om 4way closed loop. the tank is only partically filled for the leak check.



You have done an awesome job so far!! I am very impressed with what you have done. I cannot wait to see pics of the tanks with corals/fish in it.:beer: :beer:
Thats awesome!

I can't imagine all the work you've put into it after setting up just one 180g.

I think you may get the first 'Tanks of the Month'.
Thanks agen for all the kind words. Still have a bunch to do, but its been fun. Hopefully youl be able to see the tank in person someday Ibassfsh. xtrstangx thanks for the compliment!
you know whats funny - i thought this was sooo cool but wasnt planning on having another tank. and i ended up with the most random thing this week, a second 180. if i do a build thread, you will end up seeing some similarities. ones a shark/small ray tank, other is mixed soft coral / fish tank. thanks for the build up its provided some good ideas.

Thanks! If your going to use a stand make sure you have as much room as possible behind and under the stand for plumbing and equipment.

For the first few years Ill likly just run the om units, then if I start having some dead spots in flow I might add a tunze stream.
cool keep us updated with pics and stuff, my first stand used 2x4 construction and left me with 17" on the inside(24 - (3.5"x2)). i made it with little knoweldge about the hobby and tank sizes, and was rather disheartened when a 40 gal breeder wouldnt fit on the inside. oh well.
Ill keep you updated on progress. Actually progress will be slow since I will be working some significant over time, and finishing up the aviary project I have been working on for quite some time. Next order of business to to purchass two 4x8 sheets of acrylic, some HDPE plastic, and six 20 amp power strips. Then I can finish up the plumbing and order some marshall island live rock.
looks freaking awesome!! i love the stand/canopy/show piece combo! who did the carpentry work for you? you do it yourself?

how hard is it to view the TV from teh ground?

i keep telling my wife that i want a 200gal tank for a reef and she gets a 200gal tank for fish. she isn't super fond of corals and the angels that we want can't be in my SPS reef :D i wanted to do a common sump so i only have one skimmer, one sump, one ca rx, etc
